Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tunnel, Gelmini: D-Minister of public instruction

From the Gran Sasso Tunnel at Cern, the Gelmini creates confusion: ilarit and blessed ignorance! Here is the Minister of public instruction Italian mocked on the web.
The tunnel of the Gelmini: from Gran Sasso at Cern in Geneva with fury! The Italian school massacre, destroyed by the cuts and the ’ inability to reorganize the institutions “ ” school system through a real, targeted reform. Search the Italian collapse, the minds by ’ wits Superfine emigrate in the rest of the world, enriching other States. Call it brain drain. Pity that this wave of immigration has not affected the minds of genius Gelmini, Minister engaged in imaginative leaps into the void. Neutrinos, of course, be grateful: his ability to pronounce “ crap ” beyond the speed of light has ” the Web “ stunned, in Italy and not only.

The Tunnel of the Gelmini has really crossed the Italian borders with its neutrino and its load of pure incredulit. Even in Europe now know who the ’ responsible for the collapse of schools, Universities and research ’. And a tiny exit ’ “ on ”, near leg outstretched. The construction of a tunnel for neutrinos from the Gran Sasso, at Cern in Geneva: 732 kilometers of “ ignorance pure ” “ built ” with 45 million funding from the Government of “ ” statesman Berlusconi. And does not serve anything the Public denial of the Minister of Education Gelmini: D-now the omelet.

On satire and laughter takes over on the ’ incredulit. All astonished: researchers, teachers, students, ordinary citizens and immigrants. C ’ who talks about speed and code in the tunnel, who sings a suitably amended text of Caparezza. The Tunnel between the Gran Sasso and Cern managed to laugh like never before, in an industry that for years Weeps bitter tears for the ’ political inability to administer and give a correct “ address ”, reformer or not. And if someone believes to be a hoax, they face a reason: the Tunnel Gelmini really exists. Not to make traveling neutrinos, certainly. But to allow the Minister to shoot large … more than the speed of light!

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