Friday, September 09, 2011

Test health professions at the "Sapienza" itchy "Sora Lella

Agitation and confusion to Wisdom tests for competitors of admission to health professions. The questions are really absurd and poorly formulated, such as the quiz on the tastes of itchy of Sora Lella. Appeals and student protests promise to be heavy and abundant.
Tests for the health professions and nursing have reaped amazement pi that consents from students. Incredible but true, an application inserted into Wisdom tests for the ’ favorite tastes asks admission of itchy of the famous Roman actress Sora Lella. The Student Union and the ’ Union of University students are wondering how you can know the specialty of the talented actress and Chef Roman d ’. There are many appeals and protests that will be thrown into opposition to the application so questionable. The vertices of the University student unions reaffirm l ’ inutilit quiz for selecting the optional number closed.

The admission test for the health professions have staged questions really debatable and ridiculous, with topics that touch the ’ absurd. The itchy Sora Lella really disconcerting question as hilarious, however, like other absurdist quiz could decide the future of so many young men. The national co-ordinator of ’ UDU, Michele Orezzi did hear his voice, remarking that he like all the other students can not be judged on the ability to ’. Aspiring nurses and health technicians of tomorrow should be judged during the course of studies. This time the students are determined to make use of all in the block. Things must necessarily change.

This year ’ the tests for the health professions have really infuriated the Student Committee that presenter, through lawyers, appeals to the excluded. The itchy of Sora Lella cannot be the subject of an application. Many quizzes are wrong and have nothing to do with the proposed programme for the preparation for the test. Students may be readmitted judicially to the degree course, giving a score for poorly phrased questions. The Ministry of education and the selection board and corrector of the test will have a pretty tough nuts, but at least for once, we hope to succeed are students.

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