Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Melania Rea, latest news: Secrets Parolisi, Melania knew

Murder Melania Rea, latest news: secret account by Salvatore Parolisi, Melania knew everything. Latest rumors from the proxy. Investigators are still searching for the perfect ” “ motive, or of the reasons that have prompted the corporal of the ’ army to kill untold violence with his wife. L ’ investigators ' attention moves on the bank account secrecy that Salvatore had created a Bank of Frattamaggiore. 90 thousand euros in that account (money probably arising from the proceeds of its missions to ’ abroad) and 10 thousand euros in a joint statement. What secrets lurk behind these two accounts? And ’ possible that the young MOM of Somma Vesuviana don't know anything?

On the bank account involved the legal defence, according to the latest news. Melania Rea knew of that account, was aware of the amount deposited in the Bank. Reject so ’ the allegations against the corporal, lawyers. The young wife knew everything and, according to lawyers Walter biscuits and Nicodemus, the couple had already decided to allocate the funds in pi: his daughter Victoria. C ’ to believe? Really the wife knew of the account “ secret ”? Despite this clarification, investigators continue to give almost for granted the economic motive of ’ murder, something confirmed by the statements of the friends of Melanie.

Immaculate Pink called “ Imma ”, accuses Salvatore Parolisi: “ afraid of economic consequences of divorce ”. His military salary did not allow him to keep faith with its obligations of husband and father of Rea and daughter Victoria? Possible? Or investigators are taking a dead-end “ ”? Difficult to say. Investigations could bring many surprises and twists. It is also common ground that the corporal has not benefited, for the terrible murder, dell ’ help of accomplices. Also the location of the ’ lover Ludovica Perrone seems “ clean ”, despite some inconsistencies of statements made to the magistrates of Teramo.

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