Sunday, September 18, 2011

Formations Inter Rome: Gasp – Luis Enrique, who wins the bench

The challenge of truth, Inter Rome (training officers) decisive for Gasperini and Luis Enrique. Who loses confidence comes out of the company defeated and fans. And we are only at the second day of the series!
Early Series tonight probably decisive for both coaches Gasperini and Luis Enrique. Inter Roma will be on the field with a single oviettivo: win and regain the confidence of both company and fans. Unless the game does not end with a dull draw, only one of the two bring it off to save the skin “ ” despite the reassurances of De Benedetto and Moratti. But the situation is really critical, although we are only at the second day of the actual series. The formations and the latest officials from San Siro reveal the tense climate that has anticipated the ’ meeting. L ’ Inter not lost three official matches following at the beginning of the tournament since 1921, for nearly a century! The new Rome seems to have my utmost after dinner offered by Totti to the team.

But we probable formations (almost) Inter Rome. Gasperini back “ all ’ old ” with a defense-in-3. The ’ experiment by President Moratti (defense-in-4) in the Champions League has not given the desired fruits. Samuel, Lucio and Frog for a defense that will have to be careful to the attacks of Totti and fellow. Cambiasso and Zanetti will be the central midfield on the Obi and confidence for Nagamoto. Milito and Forlan up front supported by attacking midfielder “ found ” Sneijder, the Dutch flying ” ’ “.

And training of Rome? As decided to face the formidable away Luis Enrique? The central defensive will Burdisso and Heinze. The fullbacks drawers and Rosi, given disqualification for a day, Jos Angel. PIN midfield sar De Rossi with the rediscovered Perrotta and newcomer Pjanić. Attacking a trio d ’ excellence which must prove, however, still its high potential. Totti, Osvaldo and Bojan on side lanes. Inter Rome, the formations that will be on the field, you may reserve an avalanche of goals. Over safe, then, c ’ by bet. Defenses are still to be recorded. Space at the show. Tonight Gasperini and Luis Enrique will play a good chunk of their Serie a. What about pi? Good vision!

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