Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tsunami survivor, dies during the ’ flood of Rome

Ernest Sarang the Sinhalese who miraculously escapes, the tsunami of 2004, but is the death in Rome, during the storm.

History of diErnest ’ Sarang, has incredible but unfortunately true. Ernest, miraculously survives tsunami in 2004, devast South-East Asia, but the 20 of October is the death, during the storm that has put on its knees, the capital d ’ Italy.

Ernest, a Sinhalese of 32 years, save the tsunami pedaling a bicycle. Father Neville, the pastor that deals with the Sri Lankan community, area remember Ernest, as a good swimmer, born and raised in a country near the sea.
But his skills as a swimmer, not save by ’ flood of Rome. He arrived in Italy 7 years f, to attempt to start a new life after the tsunami, along with his family, Ernestva to live in a basement, 60 square meters along with other 7 people paying 475 euros per month.
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When in Rome it unleashes the ’ hell, Ernest manages to bring rescued his wife and his child only 3 months, all the ’ to the baby, but go back to take the documents; Pi did return.

While they are still in progress, some technical investigations to see if the ’ home where he was Ernest's family and other persons, was to rule, the city of Rome, said that pay for the funeral.

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