The downgrading of Italy from Standard & Poors, preceded the emotional of Spain that many were already taken for granted.
Standard & Poors rating after dellItalia, has cut also of Spain, from AA to AA-, a cut less heavy than that carried out at the expense of our country. Still, the conditions of Spain are not better than dellItalia, indeed far from it, except perhaps for an alleged Government fragilit that may not guarantee effectiveness in measures to escape from economic difficulty.Of course, that most of the considerations on the solidit of the Italian Government derive from now, the daily litany of resignation by the dellopposizione, has little importance.
Yet, the reason that, in a condition such as the current one, we rimboccasse all the sleeves to try to do, as they say, square out of the crisis. Each should give its constructive contributions, instead of doing the cassandre and puntar simply collapsing.So true that, in international environments, the downgrading of Spain was expected well before the dellItalia. There are a number of differences between the reasons for which the rating was downgraded Italy and Spain.According to professor Giovanni Ferri, Professor of Economics alluniversit of Bari, the differences are, first of all that while Spain was downgraded to AA-, Italy suffered a fate worse than going to A, then a downgrading of two points difference than Spanish.
The reasons cited by Standard & Poors in downgrading dellItalia indicate the reasons for low growth linked to a political uncertainty which could render ineffectual the ability dellesecutivo to put in place measures to combat the crisis. For Spain, on the other hand, it cites the low growth, lalto unemployment rate, restriction of credit and lalto level of private debt.Despite the economic difficulties are Spain's objective more significant than those ndellItalia, our country was heavily penalized.Fiannziari markets, however, have virtually rejected the ratings of Standard & Poors, so true that landamento of Business was in line with other European markets, if not even better.
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