Sunday, July 31, 2011
Siamese twins, severe conditions
The case of Siamese Twins hit the heart of all Italians. Unfortunately they are not good news coming from Sant Orsola Polyclinic of ’. The conditions of two Siamese twins, Lucy and Rebecca, are in serious decline.
The major difficulty encountered on any functions. Specifically there is a great difficulty in maintaining the proper balance between gaseous exchanges and metabolism.
Status d ’ soul of Siamese twins, unfortunately, been put to the test. The two children born with heart, liver and abdomen, are along a street without exit via d ’.
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At the expense of the initial news, divide the two children not an easy choice. Because, most likely, this gesture does not guarantee the life of any of the twins. A choice very difficult for the family, to which we cannot simply donate our most sincere support.
Last update to the Siamese twins: Given the serious difficulties encountered, and the deterioration of health conditions of children, doctors say he could not intervene to make the separation, as nothing short of required a strengthening of intensive care. Currently, the twins are under strict monitoring. For the family, these may be observed today, crucial hours on the future of their children.
Italy Milan: Balotelli and Montolivo, that blows!
Finally the laboured from signs of awakening. Would be coming, according to the latest news, two super hits: Balotelli and Montolivo! News quite sensational, cero yet to be verified, but absolutely unfounded. Balotelli, en route with Roberto Mancini after the horrendous veronica ’ (heels attached) in a friendly, could wear the rossoneri Jersey next season. Riccardo Montolivo looks a deal already concluded, at least to hear experts.
What's going on in Milan? We try to find out. Everything revolves around the possible departure of Antonio Cassano. The eccentric knows that to play in the national Serie a season he need to see that the main character, and not always relegated on the bench! That's why it would be useful to Mr. Marco Allegri: worthy replacement for Pato or, in case of need, Ibrahimovic. Sóller, partir, we are sure.
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Speech for midfielder Riccardo Montolivo. The player of Fiorentina and of the Italian national team would move to a big club. After the “ d ’ ” love messages sent to Milan and "possibilist" theory of Adriano Galliani, the arrival of Montolivo ’ in Milan seems sure thing. The Valley seems intended to sell it. The economic demands of the company violates are l ’ final hurdle to the passage of midfielder montos. We are sure, however, that Galliani and know how to find a meeting point for the common good ” “.
The ’ hypothesis to exchanging players: Riccardo for Emanuelson and Paloschi. The match would have two reinforcements this level in team! The negotiations could be concluded at the beginning of gi ’ next week. Will, therefore, money for the purchase of the long-awaited ’ “ Mister X ”. Who will ever? Definitely not SuperMario. The fans have some idea about?
Melania Rea, latest news: Salvatore Parolisi innocent? Photo raises questions
Murder Melania Rea, latest news: Salvatore Parolisi would aim to prove his estraneit his wife's murder by a photo Melania. The ’ only suspect for the crime, transferred this morning in Teramo, try the surprise hit. A photo taken by some students would see l ’ auto Parolisi, confirming the alibis provided by corporal ’ investigators. In the photo do not see the number plate: you see, in fact, a ’ car of the same model as that of the Saviour.
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The latest news about the death of Melania Rea did not seem upset, pi convinced investigators that ever that young corporal killed Melanie. The photo in question could be used by attorneys of ’ investigated in order to support the ’ alibi indicated during the first interrogation. The photo could ask questions, however you think. Parolisi, might have parked car specially l ’ to mislead investigators and build the ’ excuse.The corporal has always claimed to be with his family, that day, near the Plateau.
Meanwhile, the Gip di Teramo seems to confirm the extent of pre-trial detention in prison. Will, however, more evidence and more convincing to fit permanently Parolisi to its responsibility. The motive c ’, perhaps even some accomplice. In the coming days will be important developments. Hope that we can finally put an end to this terrible incident. All the clues are against corporal but he professed innocence. Will not be a picture, of course, to change idea investigators. Remain to be clarified, however, many points still obscure. Time is running out and not only for the judiciary. Melania's family wants answers in Rea pi soon, in order to access to life, in spite of everything.
Snaptu, Pandev and Iaquinta in viewfinder
“ The snaptu finished blue ” claimed the President a few days ago. No more fake! Pandev and Iaquinta are the next targets of the market in Naples. Both like to God and patron De Laurentis. Despite the negative statements, the Stadio San Paolo, in the upcoming may launch in August, the decisive attack to Iaquinta ’. If the tip of Juventus was not available, then “ ” company punter Pandev.
“ attackers are six in pink, unless you change them. Not by the number of attackers that you see if a team's offensive or not. Sa will the case to President De Laurentiis dir to intervene, but to have confidence in me as in these two years some result l ’ I have completed ” said Mazzarri in yesterday's press conference. But the snaptu must necessarily take into account that the team next season, will be also involved in dramatic stage of the Champions League (as well as in Italy and the League Cup).
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Deputy Cavani may not ’ be Lucarelli, with all due respect for the player. Not to address the numerous baster commitments. Push “ Vincenzone ” at Naples might, paradoxically, the Montenegrin Vucinic, neo purchase of Juventus. L ’ arrival of the Montenegrin removes space (gi minimum) all the source ’ striker calabrese.
Speech for Pandev. De Laurentis wanted to take it only if the Lavezzi. Excellent relationships with Massimo Moratti, then, could facilitate the purchase of ductile inter ’. The transfer market will close at the end of August. The company blue did not hurry to close the market: rester window hoping that prices for cards and engagements come down. The market closed? Stadio San Paolo fans know this: the President only a bluff!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Melania Rea, latest news: Salvatore Parolisi transferred in Teramo, photo leaves questions
Latest news on crime of Melania Rea. Salvatore Parolisi was transferred in Teramo jail this morning. After being relegated in a prison of Ascoli as the sole suspect in the death of his wife Melania Rea, the corporal was born in prison as a result of the passage from d ’ investigation for territorial jurisdiction.
Paradoxically this transition could push for a reopening of the investigation. The gip, however, did immediate request for remand in custody, accusation, confirming the hypothesis of ’ of Ascoli. Salvatore Parolisi accused of murder pluriaggravato (vilification of the corpse and tight gradoi of kinship).
The ’ investigation on the murder of Melanie Rea ’, however, according to the latest news, might be destined to suffer setbacks as a result of the change of route of legal corporal. A picture, checked out of nowhere and shot by some students, it would show the car by Salvatore Parolisi ’. This picture confirms the ’ alibi provided investigators from corporal.
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In the picture, however, not perfectly readable plate. It will be difficult for the dell ’ army corporal and his lawyers try to give consistency to an alibi which, in fact, does not hold water. Even if the photos showed exactly the ’ car of Parolisi, cio ’ couldn't automatically give “ ” consistency to his alibi. Indeed!
And ’ possible that the same husband of Melania Rea tried to mislead investigators voluntarily l ’ car parking in order to create an alibi. The evidence against him are still wide and articulated! It remains to clarify this doubt on photos and other circumstances considered not really relevant.
Different opinion for the legal defense of husband of Melania: our technical adviser, prof. Roberto Cusani, is working on this picture, where you see unauto with a lantern similar to that of Scenic, and the dark color, aldildei reflections of light. I don't know if that Salvatore-continues the ’ lawyer Cookies-but certainly c unauto, and the guys who were on the plateau and have snapped those photos are at least unreliable, because they did not see anything. But only one of many things that don't work, and that we will nellordinanza to Review.
Lastest: Tevez for Eto ’ or, just fantasies?
The lastest keeps on tenterhooks all nerazzurri fans. The ’ hypothesis that is circulating in the press world of a possible exchange Carlitos Tevez Samuel Eto ’ or –. A ’ hypothesis without foundation for Branca and Moratti. But rumors on the market are always incredible pi insistent. Tevez would gi in Milan: not for the ’ Inter, according to the latest news, but for the sessions of physiotherapy. And Eto ’ or?
The Cameroon seems to have received a ’ from a stratospheric offer club emerging Russian l ’ Anzhi would offer the player a pharaonic figure. NET 20 million per season. Samuel Eto ’ or, however, refused. There are two, so the hypothesis of the lastest: or Eto ’ ’ or refused the offer because he wants to dress to life the Nerazzurri shirt or the Cameroon refused because expats in more prestigious Manchester City.
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Carlitos Tevez, en route with the club, Roberto Mancini would leave from Manchester (the City). His favorite target, without any doubt, Milan. Moratti and Branch had thought onerous for a loan with right of redemption set at 30 million euros. One way to test the ’ argentino and its ability to fit better in the new offensive schemes technician Gasperini. In ’ operation, however, is not within the Cameroon.
“ at the time Samuel and lInter are happy with how it's going. And unlikely to change team in August. The company does not want to sell elui doesn't want to leave the words of ”: ’ agent Claudio Vignarelli leave no doubt. The exchange between the nerazzurri and Manchester City's Roberto Mancini is not far. Unless you get a ’ which does not offer the club inter cannot give up. But the fans don't want Cameroon go: too important to the team, always decisive.
Lastest, Carlitos Tevez is already in Milan!
Italy Inter thrilled! Carlitos Tevez vestir Pistoiese! Great shot of the market. The Argentine ’ Manchester City will soon to mister Gasperini. A ’ indiscretion resounding, then, was launched by Corriere dello Sport and confirms that the negotiations for the arrival of Argentine ’ ’ all ’ Inter virtually ended: Tevez gi to Milan where he would be doing physical therapy sessions.
The lastest at a turning point? If confirmed the passage of the Argentine club ’ nerazzurro, would subsequently Wasley Sneijder's departure? The fans are hoping, of course, no. Accredited and some sources state that the departure of all Dutch unconstrained ’ ’ arrival of Argentine ’. Well.
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The Corriere dello Sport said, however, that the constant presence of Carlitos Tevez in Milan “ just ” a way to put pressure on the club. nerazzurro Manchester City want to get rid of the talented player. Moratti and Branch, however, would bring Carlitos in Milan through a loan payment (with right of redemption set at 30 million euros). The English club, instead, wants an outright transfer.
Tevez in Milan, according to the daily sport, would cede the City to “ ” to “ ” economic needs of the Italian club. Sar really so ’? Meanwhile a sensational news is shaking the lastest. Samuel Eto ’ or would have received a stratospheric offer to take over ’ in Russia. The club would have offered the player Aznhi a salary of 20 million euros net per season!
The Cameroon, however, wants to bind to the club to Moratti and refused, even more spectacularly, the Pharaonic offer. Eto ’ or vestir Pistoiese until the end of his career? It is time! One of the few cases in which, unfortunately, the “ sentiment would prevail on the “ business ” ”. Thanks, Samuel!
Vasco Rossi, farewell! Home already Monday ’
Vasco Rossi, the famous Italian rock singer-songwriter who has always lived a life of reckless, reported good clinical picture that enables him to leave the hospital soon ’ to pi. Seems now certain that the date of the ’ release of Vasco from nosocomio next Monday. The transgressive Italian rocker had been admitted to having fractured a rib. During routine examinations, physicians on duty had recommended further investigations, as they feared a ’ lung infection.
Fortunately, the legendary Vasco Rossi has no further medical problem; his condition is good and not any unexpected occurred. For this reason, the spokesman for the singer Tania Sachs, has reassured the thousands of fans, making public the news of forthcoming from clinic bolognese Villalba.
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Doctors who have been following the case of Blasco, who had procured a broken rib during a concert in Rome, decided to send him home, since his clinical not worrying.
Thousands of fans, friends and colleagues you are tight around the great Vasco, presiding over the clinic during these days and leaving comments on the singer's Facebook page. Just taken his health, Blasco has sought to reassure his fans by communicating its healing.
The spokesman also announced that Tania had the tour would not have changed and that Vasco Rossi will host of the Mostra del Cinema di Venezia on 5 September. For the Venetian ’ occasion, the rocker presenter a documentary about his career titled this story here. The indestructible Vasco ’, also with a broken rib, leave the clinic in Bologna of Villalba next Monday and we hope that is attentive to its pi reckless living!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Amy Winehouse dead, he discusses the causes
Nearly a week after the death of Amy Winehouse continues to talk about the casue of death. Amy Winehouse, who died last Saturday at his London hotel room d, ’ would have exaggerated with alcohol and drugs, a mix became deadly. Actually by ’ autopsy not been revealed yet what was the real cause of his death. The singer was a nice p care to try to stop drinking, apparently with drugs already had closed for some time. The father of Amy Winehouse wanted to tell how her daughter was living in a different period of life, in short, more serene after the disastrous concert in Belgrade had realised that his life could not absolutely continue in this way.
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Apparently just the sudden change of course ’ by the singer would have caused his death. In a nutshell Amy Winehouse dead for abstinence from alcohol. His physique 98-pound weakling, subject also to many eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, has no right to the shock of this sudden change. According to the doctors the abrupt transition from the ’ huge daily intake of alcohol to total absence had caused an epileptic seizure. The sudden lack of alcohol ’ would then cause a greater harm to the physical Winehouse that failed to bear this ’ further change. This is obviously not c, ’ been no confirmation of that argument, between the ’ else endorsed by the father of the singer.
Amy Winehouse died for lack of alcohol plays a p odd, but not totally to exclude this argument, you know how our body is very complex and sometimes the ’ appearance can mislead. Meanwhile, the pap of the singer has already decided to build a foundation with the name of the daughter that can deal with people who can't do without their dependencies.
Amy Winehouse died for lack of alcohol?
Nearly a week after the death of Amy Winehouse continues to talk about the casue of death. Amy Winehouse, who died last Saturday at his London hotel room d, ’ would have exaggerated with alcohol and drugs, a mix became deadly. Actually by ’ autopsy not been revealed yet what was the real cause of his death. The singer was a nice p care to try to stop drinking, apparently with drugs already had closed for some time. The father of Amy Winehouse wanted to tell how her daughter was living in a different period of life, in short, more serene after the disastrous concert in Belgrade had realised that his life could not absolutely continue in this way.
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Apparently just the sudden change of course ’ by the singer would have caused his death. In a nutshell Amy Winehouse dead for abstinence from alcohol. His physique 98-pound weakling, subject also to many eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, has no right to the shock of this sudden change. According to the doctors the abrupt transition from the ’ huge daily intake of alcohol to total absence had caused an epileptic seizure. The sudden lack of alcohol ’ would then cause a greater harm to the physical Winehouse that failed to bear this ’ further change. This is obviously not c, ’ been no confirmation of that argument, between the ’ else endorsed by the father of the singer.
Amy Winehouse died for lack of alcohol plays a p odd, but not totally to exclude this argument, you know how our body is very complex and sometimes the ’ appearance can mislead. Meanwhile, the pap of the singer has already decided to build a foundation with the name of the daughter that can deal with people who can't do without their dependencies.
Lastest: Tevez and Casemiro purchases certain!?
Lastest: Branch denies but Tevez and Casemiro nerazzurri will be! The summer market porter at ’ Inter awaited shots? Branch denies everything: Tevez unattainable! Really? His words seem, in fact, a sort of attempt to screening and good! You can not ’ think that club is not incredible active on the market and, even, that it intends to do only supplies. After the ’ purchase of Alvarez, in fact, the ’ arrive and Tevez seems certain Casemiro!
The latest news on the lastest us reveal the possible offer for Carlitos Tevez. Moratti ask to Manchester City, who intends to get rid of ’ argentino also due ’ arrival of Aguero, a sort of “ loan with right of ” for ransom: a loan concluded, ’ Inter will decide whether to purchase the talented player for about 35 million euros.
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Unlike the speech for the young Casemiro. Gasperini wants, cost what it cost! And to think of it, the ’ buying Casemiro might be very little expensive ” “ for the club: only incredible 12 million in three years. The Brazilian in the São Paulo has an extraordinary talent and, according to mister Gasperini, IM ready to play in the Italian Championship. The ’ affair certainly: Casemiro firmer for the ’ Inter between tonight and tomorrow.
The market not only provides incredible arrives. There are major departures. Apart from the speech, which we're sure Sneijder will stay in Milan, are leaving both Viviano (direction Genoa, despite the ’ accident) that Diego Milito (due to ’ hexose engagement). Starting on foot even the talented Thiago Motta. The player's agent ’ has expressed the wish to Motta to stay in Milan. But the company probably will priver thinning the rose.
Fans, meanwhile, are doubtful about the possible arrival of Tevez, not considered all height of inter ’. Would welcome with open arms, however, the Brazilian Casemiro. We are confident that they will arrive. We Bet?
Calendar 2011/2012 series, launched yesterday
The ’ highly anticipated series calendar 2011/2012 finally been launched. The draw was made yesterday afternoon and it was almost as usual, in the center of many controversies. Among the most angry, we see the President of Naples, Aurelio De Laurentiis. The President has left the room of the draw, literally outraged. According to Aurelio De Laurentiis, before moving on to the draw of the Serie A calendar, it was necessary to take into account the commitments of all the European teams in the top flight, including, of course, the societ s.s.c. Napoli.
Apart from this episode, the draw is held in a very serene. The first day of the Championship set for August 27, 2011. During the course of the year are planned five ’ rounds midweek. Do not underestimate the breaks were nothing short of necessary to allow the smooth running of the meetings of the national. Also planned a stop for the Christmas holidays.
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For the first day gi expect two great big match, Udinese-Juventus-Genoa and Naples. Other matches scheduled are: Atalanta-Bologna-Cesena, Rome, Cagliari-Milan, Inter Milan-Lecce, Lazio-Chievo-Palermo, Novara, Parma and Siena-Catania-Fiorentina. We cannot fail to note that to install this Championship Series to present also the first derby of the year ’, Siena-Fiorentina.
All football fans will be pleased to know that the expectations of this new League are going to finish. The ’ date for the end of August. Hoping to revamp the character of the fans, thus avoiding accidents and embarrassments various stages. Soccer passion to follow and respect. Let us not spoil this wonderful sport and let us not be carried away by the few fans dwindled. Go to see the game should be a day of relaxation, not a war.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Italy Juventus: You think Vucinic, Giuseppe Rossi uncertain
Bad news for Giuseppe Rossi. After losing the ’ engagement with Barcelona, the player's future still uncertain. The negotiations in progress with Juventus, in fact, it is becoming increasingly problematic, pi and pi long stressful. In a positive moment for Italy ultra Juventus, l ’ engagement of Giuseppe Rossi seems more distant than ever.
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But the problems come mainly from the Spanish club, because not very convinced about ’ effective sale of footballer Giuseppe Rossi. The club will have to play the Champions League and sell another phenomenon or points of reference could be very risky. Recall that a few days confirmed the sale of Cazorla, succumbed to Malaga. If the Villareal cedes also Giuseppe Rossi, the certainty in the field would be really very few.
Villareal's intentions are much changed, and certainly no longer interested in the transfer of the player. These are the words of Marotta. At the same time, the Ds bianconero supports the hypothesis of ’ Red to Juventus. According to Marotta, was very interested in the black-and-white club packs and has always looked upon with eyes on the Serie a. Then nothing excludes that the real pressures to Spanish club could arrive from Giuseppe Rossi.
Other paper table Mirko Vucinic. The Roma striker ’. Marotta confirmed that serve another three or four players to strengthen the team available to Count. Vucinic could be one of these.
Italy Milan: Galliani, Riccardo Montolivo, but Mister X is …
The laboured might be still huge surprises! Riccardo Montolivo to a PAS, Galliani's Word. But the real Mr. XX could be another and not purple, midfielder under Prandelli. The Milan market is preparing to live a very delicate phase. We will hit coveted? And who will? After the departure of Andrea Pirlo (gone to Juventus to Count), the Milan thinks to reinforce the midfield with absolute names.
Riccardo Montolivo could certainly be a very good buy for the club of Cheerful. Despite his small stature and strength not really disarming ” “, the midfielder with a polished technique and played as a true champion. It has been shown to Fiorentina and now wants to do so in a big club. Galliani opens at Montolivo that pi times in past weeks, had sent messages d ’ love in the rossoneri arousing the ire of patron of the Valley.
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But not only to keep the viola desk in the laboured. Galliani seems to leave room at the ’ purchase a jewel, probably Spanish. Here are his words to the microphones of Sky Sport: Mr. X? If you have the latest arriver market days. Fabregas? I understand that Fabregas is dellArsenal and not of Barcelona. Therefore, nothing to do with Barcelona. But we are not talking about the market, now. However, Fabregas a player dellArsenal for all purposes. However hyperbolic ” coast figures.
Galliani did not think that knowing doesn't have anything to bring Fabregas-Milan. But in the interview goes beyond ’, talking about Kak and Cassano: “ Schweinsteiger? And a flag of Bayern. Kak? Operation very difficult and costly. Montolivo to Milan? It is possible, but Milan don't Center on its non-renewal with Fiorentina. We have excellent relations with the family of the Valley and we do not want to create their own problems. Cassano? And a great talent but needs to lose weight.
Lastest: Palacio, goodbye Milito
There is a resounding in the lastest Exchange: Diego Milito for Palacio! L ’ Inter looking for a bit of weight: l ’ striker Genoa Palacio could be the ideal purchase for the ’ club of Gasperini. Diego Milito could return, then, to clothe the rossobl. The Nerazzurri will ignite, so in ’ last week of July.
After the purchase of Alvarez ’, l ’ only real shot of market ’ Inter inter society should give the fans a bit of weight. Palacio has shown great qualities but gunner, to say the truth, would serve only to reinforce the attacking of ’ Inter Park, virt of several undertakings listed for the next season (serie A, Champions League and Italy Cup).
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The President has requested, Valuable in exchange for Palacio, a technical contribution. Pandev appears to have refused to move to Genoa; Viviano not available ” pi “ due to the mild injury costringer him to sit still for at least seven months. And then, in fact, the dream of President Preziosi to bring Diego Milito-Genoa doing literally crazy fans rossobl. The Argentine striker ’, for its part, would be happy to return to the “ parent ”: injuries, high competition and various episodes they relegated out of the field. last season was almost disastrous!
But what do they think the fans of Inter ’ of this exchange of players? Would be really happy to have in your club a striker by the quality of Palacio? Gasperini considers him a good reinforcement. but the fans would prefer, we are sure, that the Argentine remained ’. Will the heart or the reason to prevail? The transfer of ’ Inter, however, riserver a real hit: Tevez appears to have decided on your destination, Milan.
Snaptu: De Laurentis, the market closed but Lavezzi …
Snaptu? And ’ closed, Word of patron De Laurentis. His last statement should be taken seriously with pliers. After the sound of millions of euros for the purchase of next and upcoming season, the President seems to want to put your wallet in a fiery encounter. Yet, to tell the truth, De Laurentis has accustomed us to surprise hits, especially at the end of the market.
Everything revolves around the possible departure of Lavezzi. After that he swore loyalty to Marek Hamsik's Napoli, only the ’ Argentine appears to have still doubts. Will stay or abbandoner São Paulo who has always loved and celebrated? Doubts remain. The minimum fee release clause from 31 million does not seem to sleep to all Neapolitans. A large club may take away from Naples on Argentinian jewel, the Matador!
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Only a Spanish or English clubs could attract the sympathy of the Pocho who has never hidden his desire to play in leagues. A few clubs, however, at this time of crisis, would have the chance to pay that sum for the exploits of talented Lavezzi. Payment of the minimum fee release clause would release the player: but he will only decide, must necessarily accept or reject the new destination.
If so, the Pocho we are confident that the snaptu which not? Grossing 31 million l ’ objective of the Neapolitan club could be another talented Argentine Javier Pastor! The Ultras were, so ’, repaid by the departure of their idol. Shepherd is the dream of every President of Serie A, we are sure! Those who don't would like in team?
In addition to Shepherd, in fact, other possible market shots finished runners-up. The rose of strikers, papabili purchases, wide: Rolando Bianchi, Floro Flores and Mauricio Zarate. How to end this long “ telenovela ”?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Federica Pellegrini show at Shanghai world
Good news for lovers of swimming. The undisputed star of the women's swimming has won the gold medal in d ’ 200 meter freestyle. Thanks to this Medal, conquered the world of Shanghai, Federica Pellegrini marks his/her name in the history of swimming.
Federica Pellegrini, athlete of great class, sets its time on the minute and 55 seconds, beating silver medalist d ’ Kylie Palmer, which ended in a minute and 56 seconds. Following the bronze Camille Muffat. Unexpected collapse in the last seventy metres of Femke Heemskerk Dutch ’, which ranks only seventh. So the ’ d'Azur Federica Pellegrini conquers the ambitious step of the podium and pi from great demonstration of their physical and mental power.
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What's more interesting that the same Pilgrims had already won the gold medal in ’ d 400-meter freestyle. A double victory surely not to be forgotten, nor for the ’ athlete, for the same ’ Italy. With this new double Federica Pellegrini is the first woman in the world to get a similar result.
A true champion. Also in the deal with the press. A few words of the winner and always very shy. Federica Pellegrini claims to be very happy, but very proud for the results obtained. As regards the future, gi you think Olympics in London. A Council of ’ athlete never give up and believe to the bottom.
The Italian champion continues her interview confirming that couldn't win this race. Both its physical and its head pointed to victory. The goal of d ’ ’ gold medal was always in his thoughts. Absolutely perfect.
Result obtained also thanks to the great work of preparation before the race. The merits are also the trainer of the Pilgrims, but we can say that the majority of psychological condition goes to the Pilgrims, which claimed a faultless race, free from errors, full of love and enthusiasm.
Italy Rome: Luis Enrique not disappointed, need time!
Not only England! Roma looks to the future, at the start of the Championship ’ approaching. A ’ whole town awaits completion of calendar of serie A and not appropriate to the results of the summer triangle in Innsbruck. Luis Enrique takes time. He does this in a press conference in which all ’ environment to have patience. A new form of game, a new coach and purchases that have yet to integrate into the Group: Roma must still blend, must become “ group ”.
The Rome of the new course, one of the Americans and Luis Enrique, is increasingly determined to Innsbruck from PSG travolta of Leonardo. A 0-3 who do not make your mark, wait for the Fiorentina Rachman Rome some other reinforcement of international caliber.
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I'm not worried, it takes time, soon to pass judgment, I have no magic wand told reporters after beating Luis Enrique with PSG we have seen the same film of the first game, only with more established teams. We got a goal straight away on action dangolo. For a quarter of dora I saw a good team. We are working on location in the field of men. Two goals are born from a positioning problem. Problems? Nothing that I would have expected. Work progresses in norma. We are working on a new project for luck haven't injuries to report. And difficult to make a final budget. We had so many players absent. I'm not worried, a team builds in ten days, there was none and not let me.
On the face of England's departure seems certain Vucinc. The Montenegrin, Roma, not find space in the next season and could take over at Juventus. In return, would, according to the latest news, midfielder Marchisio.
FootballBetting, handed over 18 club. Atalanta and Chievo also
Stefano Palazzi, Prosecutor of the FIGC officially declared the referrals of 18 sports society. Including Atalanta and Chievo. The clubs concerned, specifically, are: Atalanta and Chievo of serie A, Sassuolo, Verona and Ascoli of serie B, Alexandria, Benevento, Ravenna, Cremonese, Piacenza, Viareggio, Virtus Entella, Spezia, Reggiana, Portogruaro and Taranto of Lega Pro and finally, two teams of serie D, i.e. Cus Chieti and Pino di Matteo
The reasons that have led to referral of the football club Atalanta are disputed charges for some players, namely Thomas Manfredini and Christian Gifts, which are about three years of suspension.
Different speech for the company, which sports clivense been referred for objective liability for charges paid to Stefano Bettarini, whom he accused of having bet on the outcome of matches to ’ fail safe. The company is likely only a ’ fine.
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Worse than the situation of two clubs of the Lega Pro, Ravenna and Alexandria. They risk the ’ exclusion from the Championship because he challenged the direct responsibility of happened.
Before concluding the Prosecutor of the FIGC has defined association aimed at the Commission of offences by the Group of ’ former player Giuseppe Signori, the goalkeeper of Benevento, Marco Paoloni and nine other suspects among executives, coaches and players.
Below is the list of players reported: Cristiano Doni, Marco Paoloni, Massimo Vittorio Micolucci, Herodians, Vincenzo Sommese, Gianni Fabbri, Mauro Gibellini, Antonio Ciriello, Daniele Quadrini, Leonardo Rossi, Giorgio Furlan, Jester, Claudio and Gianfranco Spoke, Gianluca Tuccella, Stefano Bettarini, Antonio Bellavista, Carlo Gervasoni, Giuseppe Signori, Thomas Manfredini, Mauro Bressan, Nicola Santoni, Ivan Tisci, Frederick Zaccanti, Giorgio Veltroni, Daniele Deoma and Davide Saverino.
The process, set at the ’ Hotel Parco dei Principi, avr place no earlier than 3 August.
Giorgio Napolitano rejects decentralisation
Less than a week away from the festivities established for ’ inauguration of the three venues of Monza, the lock from the head of State regarding the ministries in the North. Giorgio Napolitano sent a letter to the President of the Council, in which specified extensive lines its concerns regarding decentralization of offices of ministries, taking on its grounds.
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The news, obviously aroused many reactions from many participants. The most direct to Italo Bocchino. The finiano pointed out that the concern expressed by the head of State to be synonymous with horror of the whole nation about ’ all ’ opening of Monza. Continue with the reactions of the Democratic Party Senator Anna Finocchiaro, which not only confirm the thesis of Napolitano. The word goes with Leoluca Orlando. According to the current dell spokesman ’ ’ Italy of Values, the Government and the Ministers have, inappropriately, with headquarters of ministries. Get the ’ centrist leader's opinion. Pier Ferdinando Casini, argues that the complaint of Napolitano has taken to draw the attention of all ’ and understand the great need for London Croydon hotel reviews.
On the same line of thought of the head of State, takes the Mayor of Rome. Gianni Alemanno fully shares the concerns of Napolitano and argues that many signals were inevitable.The letter from the head of State was received with great respect at Palazzo Chigi. The answer is scheduled for tomorrow. Inevitable anger of Umberto Bossi.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a fine of 1.5 million dollars for illegal downloads
Download illegal files protected by copyright or right dautore a widespread phenomenon in the world of the web. There are many people who have been fined around the world, like Jammie Thomas Rasset, which is now having to pay a fine of 1.5 million.The story of Jammie Thomas Rasset begins a few years ago. The woman was cited in the lawsuit by the RIAA for sharing 24 songs copyrighted on the popular P2P program Kazaa.
The woman was articulated in 3 rounds. During the first process of Duluth jury had ordered the Rasset to pay 222 thousand dollars of sanni to record companies, but the Court ordered to carry out another process because he had given the wrong guidelines to jurors.In 2009 took place the second instance of process ordered payment of $ 1.9 million for damages to the record companies.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) during the third and final round of the process has proposed unalternativa to the woman, i.e. to pay 25000 dollars to charity. But the woman refused because the figure from devolve was widely higher than agreed.
The songs that she would share on the web are the property of UMG labels: notes, Warner Bros Records, Interscope Records, Arista Records, Sony BMG Music Entertainment and Capitol Records. recall that the first trial against a user user of P2P programs: MP3s that Jammie Thomas Rasset had only 24 were shared, so dear readers, do not download copyrighted material.
Katy Perry as Smurfette
The new international music star sure Katy Perry. The singer managed to keep botta's new Queen of pop, Lady Gaga, who must deal with a sharp decline in sales. Katy Perry is taking his time d ’ gold, thanks to a beautiful voice and an innate sympathy. Katy Perry for even very nice and always manages to look trendy.
These days we presented at the brand-new ’ preview “ the Smurfs movie in 3D “, where Katy Perry double sweet Smurfette. During this presentation, the singer is transformed into a beautiful Smurfette, with a look different from the usual: blonde hair and dress with the ’ image of ’ only Smurf woman.
Katy Perry has decided to return to its natural color of hair, not everyone knows that the singer really blonde and ’ presented the opportunity for this new change or return to the past. Brava Katy!
Amy Winehouse dead: drugs, autopsy confirms cause death?
Latest news on the death of Amy Winehouse: dead to drug cocktail, today the ’ autopsy. Is taking place at this moment l ’ autopsy on the body of Amy Winehouse, who died last Saturday afternoon. And ’ was found dead at his home in London. A mixture of drugs and alcohol would kill the young pop star. At 27 years of law enters into the packed club of star death at a young age.
Millions of fans mourn, thousands came, in these last hours, near his home in London, England: flowers, letters and messages d ’ love for a star exceptional qualities but controversial. Who better than you knew in a harmonious blend ’ and brilliant melodies, blues, rock and jazz? He had a very proibitorio way of life, of course. But not if it can ’ give a fault. Genius also triumphed on ’ inspiration. Remember the accursed poets? Without their lifestyle “ risky ” would not be able to give life to works brilliant and full of charm.
Amy Winehouse, who died of drug overdose? The autopsy would l ’. The results might arrive already this week. The Independent, the famous British newspaper, provides a clear version of the facts: “ Amy would play percussion for several hours, sparking the ire of neighbors that ’ would asked to stop. And confirms the version of the bodyguard: l ’ man entered the residence of Amy, Saturday morning, finding it still sleeping without notice anything strange. Pi, returning in late ’ apartment, discovered that the young man had stopped breathing: immediately called emergency services who arrived on the spot, along with ’ ex-boyfriend, Director Reg Traviss. Other tabloids were talking of a drug overdose caused by a cocktail of drugs and narcotics, but for now there are no official ” confirmations.
Steven Spielberg in Sardinia: fine and apology for inflatable "wild"
Steven Spielberg, famous Director of the Hollywood Hills, took a fine in Sardinia: the offence consists in ’ having docked his dinghy too close to the Sardinian coast. The coast guard of Sardinia did not want to hear reasons as the dinghy, too close to the coast, could cause severe damage and danger to bathers. The authority for Steven demanded a compensation of 170 euros.
Steven Spielberg capitulated and after numerous apologies to bathers and the coast guard, has paid the notorious fine. Despite the high lineage of fined ’, the Coast Guard has not tolerated l ’ negligence towards the visitors of the area. The American director always loves Sardinia and its waters and arrived aboard his luxury yacht. This is the legendary "Seven Seas, about 90 metres long with several American artists, such as beauty and brava Gwyneth Paltrow.
Steven Spielberg was fined by the Sardinian Coast Guard for having approached too to the coast with his dinghy. In fact, Steven after leaving his beautiful yacht off, had reached the coast in the company of a group of friends, aboard his raft. Only problem was not respecting the limit of the minimum distance from the coast, approaching very dangerous to bathers.
The Director, Summit of success for his latest film the adventures of Tin Tin, is amazed at not being recognized by the forces of the ’ order, but he immediately withdrew the fine, promising to pay it in ’. In addition, they apologized a lot with the locals, who were very annoyed by his presence. Bathers Sardinian have forgiven Steven for his absence and have immediately denounced the break-in to the forces of ’ ’ order charge. Steven Spielberg is a Director on the crest of the ’ wave sailing in Sardinia but if fines do not forgive!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Debuchy: Kaka that return! Fabregas and Montolivo the window ...
Italy Milan: the latest news on the market makes a resounding comeback! Fabregas or Montolivo? Would say: “ fra i due litiganti il terzo gode! ”. And the “ odd ” he: Ricardo Kak! A ’ indiscretion of resounding sweeping the rossoneri ’ environment. The Brazilian who has sparkled in rossoneri Jersey, decisive for the League title and champions league, could return after a long diaspora ” all ’ “.
After the departure of Andrea Pirlo, debuchy is focused on a possible substitute (worthy). Cesc Fabregas, Arsenal captain in implementing ’, might be the natural replacement for Andrea: class, ability and techniques out uncontested skills mean leader. AC Milan, will have to take Fabregas, exceed a ’ fierce competition: primarily that of the noble and rich “ ” Barcelona.
Midfielder evaluated about 40 million pounds, a little ’ too much to Berlusconi's AC Milan (tomorrow pay 560 million for the Mondadori) and also, to say the truth, for the Catalan club. And then don't let Wanger escape: we are sure! Represents the core of the ’ Arsenal.
The alternative might be the ’ national Riccardo Montolivo. And ’ the same player who launched signals d ’ love to Milan, not isolated were “ ”. The transfer of AC Milan could be resolved with the purchase of Montolivo ’? The midfielder of Fiorentina, mainstay of Prandelli, definitely a talented player.
Milan, however, one reason above all with the heart. Montolivo would be a good reinforcement but the dream, that's true, the return of Ricardo Kak! You avverer?I don't want to go – said the Brazilian week-l ’ coach told me that you can count on me and the company told me that he would not sell me. Real desire or just pretattica? What do they think the fans made of a possible return of the Brazilian genius?
Kate Moss to a yacht
L ’ eccentric Kate Moss by when she seems to have put aside his lifestyle more transgressive, preferring a life of quiet and vlta pair pi to relax. Kate Moss and her husband Jamie Hince are recently returned from their honeymoon, which saw them around on a yacht to a friend to the Mediterranean.
L cos ’ former model remained impressed convenience and beauty of this medium that he decided to ever afford one. The ’ having spent two weeks on a yacht around the places most enchanting Mediterranean has really hit Kate Moss, the ’ former model is seriously and now im looking of the yacht of your dreams.
Obviously the cost of “ transportation ” not scared, Kate Moss and her husband are willing to pay any amount in order to satisfy their desires.
Lastest, Carlitos Tevez steps but …
Italy Inter hunting Tevez! L ’ Argentine could soon take over the club. nerazzurro The latest news does not give rise to different interpretations: Carlitos Tevez takes the ’ Inter! The relationship with the ’ coach Roberto Mancini is not more than once. L ’ argentino would leave Mancheter City already this season. The internal competition, in Manchester, really high. Just think that Ballack, recovered, and form a pair d Dzeko ’ explosive attack!
There will be next season, so a lot of space for the talented Argentine. The favorite destination from Tevez l ’ Inter, whose transfer market, buying Alvarez excluded, does not seem to be still took off. To wrest the Argentine genius at Manchester City, the company will have to shell out from Milan 28 to 30 million euros, plus any bonuses. Figure in the balance.
What is not clear, however, even if the ’ purchase of player influenced by cession, very likely, Wasley Sneijder. The Dutch ’ could go away already in July, Manchester, United Bank target. The Argentine, so ’ would be the replacement of departing Dutch in pectore.
The deal you make ’? Moratti would be focusing on Tevez. It would be the coup rumours of this ’ for the summer. nerazzurro club The blow that would make happy the fans that would deal with less difficulty the departure of the ’ Idol of casa Sneijder, decisive for the conquest of the town of ’ was Mourinho triplete.
The market still long. The rumors you are generating a tam tam. We do not want the latest news on the probable agreement with Manchester City have not been created for art, as a warning to the Dutch ’: ” if the parties do not be sorry! We have already the substitute! ”. Sar so ’? We'll find out, probably in the next week.
Safety on the internet: l ’ Italy is increasingly the victim
Security on the internet increasingly at risk with the ’ advent of specialized groups of hackers in the illegal activity of ’ ’ ' hacking: recently we have seen before on theft of identity with the following down PlayStation Network, and then, just in Italy, all ’ of 30 ' hacking systems as many universities, including the most important, forced to resort to the shelters then redoing the whole ’ system.
Recent research conducted by CPP Italy, a ’ company that specialized in security while browsing on the internet, has announced that the 16% of Italians, among those surveyed, experienced a ’ identity theft d or otherwise a violation of their account with the following internet access to private data. In 35% of these theft has also caused damage and theft of data. Something that immediately makes the mind to what happened with Sony: many users in that case we have also the data of your credit card, inserted into the system as a payment method.
The 30% of users previously surveyed found a violation of their data by email, or social network profile on an account linked to an instant messaging client. Two hundred Italians have suffered an attack which resulted in economic damage of 5000 euro, while only half had damage to an amount that exceeds this figure. Of course the damage comes from ’ stealing credit card and its PIN, bank code or any other data useful to the conclusion of a theft or illegal activities with the money of others. This, therefore, represents as in Italy there is a low threshold of safety from the point of view of customized or, as it might seem more plausible, little attention from Internet users.
The 42%, in fact, admits to never change the password leaving cos increase chance to hack computers: only the ’ 11% admitted to change with frequency or annually their access key d ’. To date however there are systems that, in order to prevent these difficulty, propose the change of the password itself every 6 months.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
It pretends to make the model patient
Bad idea that the carabiniere 43 of Ravenna, which he thought of playing sick and skip the day's work in favour of his passion for fashion. The policeman was caught in flagrante delicto while filed on stage in Punta Marina Terme.
Coincidence has it that the carabiniere was detected by a colleague of the same district of Forl while performing at peak form with an undeniable physical prowess before the eyes of the public and the flash of photographers. The misdeed concluded with a judgement quite strenuous for the ’. Issued by the judges of the military tribunal of Verona, the judgment does not accept excuses: three months ' imprisonment.
To clarify, a somewhat favorable judgment because the defendant was accused of ’ two cases of aggravated offences, i.e. simulation of infermit and military scam. The first request of the military prosecutor's Office consisted of a sentence of nine months ' imprisonment as the behavior of ’ accused has violated military rules completely of ’ Weapon, which should be the first to give the right example in virt serving and divided.
Linda Christian, US greets mother of Romina Power
Linda Christian, diva of 40-50 ’ ’, artist of extraordinary beauty and mother of surprising Romina Power, passed to mile life yesterday evening, at 87 years of ’ et. The beautiful actress, married to the ’ American actor Tyrone Power, was one of the most fascinating faces of the big screen, so that his extraordinary belt was crowned by Life magazine as The Anatomic Bomb ” “, a sexy beauty Mediterranean traits. The cause of ’ happened seems to have been a very ugly colon cancer.
The woman was in Palm Springs, California, and the next 13 years, would made 88. The wonderful mother of Romina was born in Mexico and his real name was Blanca Rosa Welter; recit “ film Tarzan and the mermaids ”, in the television version of “ Casino Royal ”, where he played the role of Bond Girl and a tv yellow “ L ” ’ hour Hitchcock.
Linda Christian, July 22, 2011, died yesterday at his home in Palm Springs: because of his death a serious colon cancer. Elda laro moved from place to place with his mother and his father, he is of Dutch origin and Mexican, Linda was a veritable polyglot, he spoke French, Spanish, German, Italian, English, Arabic and a p in Russian. The beautiful Queen of American wanted to become a physicist but at the end of secondary school accidentally meets with his idol, Errol Flynn, who convinced her to try climbing the peaks of Hollywood. Soon after, he obtained a contract lasting 7 years with Metro Goldwyn Mayer and motog in 1944 with the musical comedy Up In Arms ” “.
The ’ year of success and real consecration come with Tarzan and the mermaids “ ”. If life was so full of film successes, we can not say her life affective: indeed, during the marriage with Tyron Power, father of Romina, there were several problems. The two spouses did not accept a work together and eventually divorced. Soon after, she was already in the arms of ’ athlete Alfonso de Portago. After the death of this ’ last, due to a serious accident during a Grand Prix, Linda is responding with the ’ English actor Edmund Purdom. Linda Christian was a ’ icon of style and elegance: we extend a last salute to the great mother of Romina Power.
Artificial insemination, MOM to 58 years but would like to thank the Madonna
At 58 years becomes MOM thanks all ’ artificial insemination. Angela, teacher in Roccaraso of Neapolitan origin, crowns the dream of a life: becoming a MOM. Together with her husband, retired to 64 years, Madonna ” graces “ for grace received, after many pilgrimages to Lourdes. Una storia bizzarra, by many considered controversial, susceptible to opinions and beliefs of others.
Angela to 58 years become MOM. Recounts his experience with the Corriere della Sera do offhand. And ’ was forced to turn to a clinic of the Czech Republic, given that in Italy the ’ artificial insemination is prohibited by Catholic extremist propriety ” “ “ ” made law (see law 40). In Italy you can not ’, and not expected to use this practice even (and especially) the Roman Catholic ” Angela “. This is not my personal opinion: from secular convinced and loyal servant “ ” of Freethought are aware that the choices of others should be respected, even if controversial.
What seems odd, however, the opinions and forced ” values “, l ’ hypocrisy of many Italian Catholics, ready to defend a sword is any law in the Country, save, then use the benefits of “ science ” in other countries, including Europeans, even against their own religious beliefs “ ”.
It says clearly the neo mother, Mrs. Angela, the Corriere della Sera: “ I went against my religious beliefs ”. And then adds, with the air of ’ who believes to have been the Royal ”: “ “ I made numerous pilgrimages to our Lady of Lourdes that gives me the gift of the pregnancy, I have achieved my dream of becoming MOM thanks to Madonna ”.
Precisely. To hell with the devil, science at the ’ work of doctors, serious professionals of the Czech Republic, to hell with the secular law of the State Czech: Mrs. Angela … … … thanks to the Madonna.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Vasco Rossi back in shape after the shelter
Did tremble all its fans Vasco Rossi: ’ after the announcement that he would retire from the music scene, now seemed ready to give another tumble to the Italians who have always followed the rockstar pi profilica of our country. A few days ago, in fact, was a news schockante: Vasco was hospitalized for an illness. After a few minutes, for, comes the denial: precautionary hospitalization for a problem to a rib. Confirmations that are going to refute those who even had suggested an induced coma to prevent even more serious harm.
Was in the clinic for choice Vasco, for a control in the chest which gave him problems for weeks now, precisely because of a rib with few problems. He then took advantage for a full check up, his et, like any other, it never hurts: the acute stage, was then passed ” hospital “ pampered and revived completely. Past the scare for fans, past the pain for the rockstar. The clinic was crowded at the external ’ of fans, all Italians who wanted to learn and wanted the singer was in great shape for, chiss, another concert. Some fans have also tried the ’ broke to see Vasco and believe only in his eyes to see him healthy and healed.
C ’ still remember in recent appearances Vasco arrived on stage with many painkillers in the blood, medicines to avoid pain and to not hear the ’ et advancing: was this one of the most important reasons that l ’ has led to outright, to withdraw from the scene. Always on tour, always to respect the fans, always singing, and sooner or later the ailments they should be heard. Now will stay in hospital for a week, do some routine check and then will return home in the hope that it will regain the rest right back with more determination than before.
Bombing Oslo, killer of far-right ultranationalist: over 90 deaths
The ’ attempt in the Centre of Oslo (with a bomb high potential) and subsequent Shootout in ’ island of Utoeya has resulted in more than 90 dead. The budget of the intended victims, unfortunately, to rise. The killer who opened fire in a meeting of young labor in ’ island of Utoeya, Norwegian, ultranationalist linked to far-right movements. A Christian fundamentalist. The home front and not, as many assumed, international terrorism of Islamic matrix.
The killer ultranationalist was seen, by the police, also on the site of the prowling ’ explosion of the bomb, in the heart of Oslo, in the main newspaper of Norway, close to the offices of the Prime Minister. It was he, according to police, the head of ’ terrorist attack yesterday. 7 would be the dead of ’ explosion of the bomb, as well as 84 deaths caused by Shootout in ’ island of Utoeya. The small island is transformed into an inferno: young people, including 15 et 16 years ago, and have tried to escape when she jumped into the cold waters of the North Sea. And ’ was a carnage: the killer, disguised as a policeman opened fire, triggering panic.
The ’ bombing Oslo most serious incident of violence in Norway since the end of World War II. A senseless massacre that is plunging the country into a dark night: the dream of a disarmed nation was destroyed in a terrible afternoon in July. Oslo won't be pi as before: been violated, wound in his pride. The reaction of the Norwegian people, however, a great response to terror: a lesson that many should transpose! Will not be bombs, however, undermine the solid foundation of the Norwegian people: but nothing, unfortunately, will return as before!
Italy Rome: Heinze and Bojan, expected in the capital
Roma scored two signings announced several days but often balanced during the last few hours, are to arrive in the capital, Defender Gabriel Heinze of argentina and Marseille, set free from his contract expired a few days ago, and with him we will the much longed-for arrival of Bojan Krkic, Spanish striker of Barcelona and of the national under 21the player had been convened in retreat with Atletico but the ’ arrival of Alexis Sanchez in Spain permanently closes the gates of the training for him.
The two new signings then reiterated in the next few hours or a few days in the capital, will as of rite the medical examination and then join the rest of the group who are facing the classic location preseason in preparation. Sar time then to fit into a new dressing room blues that under several changes both on the bench in Rose seems to have found a philosophy of group pi disbanded and relaxed, this would certainly benefit all ’ integration of several new signings, in the very young and inexperienced yet on European soil and for Italian football.
The fear of the giallorossi supporters had to find a team very young and skilled, while little motivated to do well and do not waste this great opportunity, obviously with the passing of the days the company will move to support this group other men experience as Heinze, who in his splendid career he played for Real Madrid and Manchester Unitedthe enormous prestige clubs worldwide. Do not forget then absolutely Senators giallorossi Captain Totti, as Pizarro, De Rossi and Juan, all ready to do well again and bring the team into first place in the League for the qualification to the Champions League will be even more difficult this year and share ’ with an ambitious always a risk.
The ’ environment to feel motivated and ready for a challenge which will see engaged also in Europa League, competition from a couple d ’ years to began to take an important significance in terms of prestige, this results in a significantly higher energy expenditure, but a club as Roma do not go on compromises of this genre.
Vasco Rossi broke a rib
The news journal. Vasco Rossi was hospitalized at the clinic Villalba of Bologna. The cause of the coma which many speakers on the web, but a simple broken rib. Rib which has caused many problems and pains in our dear Country during his last tour. The star has endured the pain for the duration of the tour, and only after claimed examinations.
Vasco Rossi for only a short time and then come back more strong than before. Just as he did with his latest tour. Dating back about a month ago, in fact, the statement about all ’ abandonment of his professional career. Statement immediately contradicted by the next day's concert. In short, a Vasco Rossi always ready to excite the audience and always ready to spend moments of joy to its fans. Meanwhile calm returned to the web. All fans are much more serene, and await the return of Blasco onstage.
The ’ interest of the fans was especially one: health of Vasco. Since a broken rib may be considered as nothing worrying, we can argue that admirers of star can relax completely.
Remain to do only good wishes, healing from Vasco, get in shape … we are still here.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Vasco Rossi to hospital for checks
Some month ago Vasco Rossi announced her retirement and view the latest news it seems that this is the most wise decision. Vasco Rossi no longer a kid, okay well continue writing songs, but it seems almost impossible to sustain the tiring tour around Italy and beyond ’.
In fact, arrived a few hours ago the news that Vasco Rossi presented at ’ Hospital of Bologna to undergo checks. And ’ from a time that the Blasco suffers from annoying pain in the shoulder and back pain, most likely you suspect a slight fracture of the ribs.
In fact had even talked of admission for Vasco Rossi, but are just hoaxes, Blasco is fine, but just needs to understand how come those pesky dolorini. L ’ et, will be better for Vasco Rossi who hang the microphone to the nail.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: wedding at the gates
It looks forward to the marriage between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Lately, the rumors of possible wedding are increasingly insistent, tant ’ who, according to some rumors, the Brangelina gi are all ’ work for the ’ organization of this marriage.
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Regardless of what was stated recently by Matt Damon, who talked about even report prisoner, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie look ready to take the fateful step. The whole thing at the moment somewhat secret, but it seems that the choice for this religious and legal Union both France.
And ’ in the South of the country that should be celebrated the ’ entire ceremony, obviously do not know anything about it, take the n known wedding day. What sure Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to marry, they do so mainly for their children, although it remains a culmination of their love. We await new news!
Giffoni, Rocco Papaleo says no to a Woody Allen film
Rocco Papaleo at the Giffoni Film Festival-film festival that puts featured films d ’ author and Director of young artists, see pass through its ranks many star national and international fame. And ’ the time of Rocco Papaleo, recent guest of the Festival, which made mention of s for his career and especially for the negative response given to the famous English director Woody Allen. Papaleo doesn't want to engage in the new film from Director, especially because the filming of the movie you would be required for the pi in August, when he engaged with his son on a journey in the United States.
A film is not worth a vacation with his son. Despite this negative response, considered by many to be an act of bravery and modesty, Rocco Papaleo continues to tread allright his brilliant movie career. In Giffoni, l ’ actor said to embrace a plan of her own, for a film which he wrote the screenplay and for which the sar also Director.
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All ’ but a headbutt to the capable Rocco Papaleo, who at the Giffoni Film Festival gave to a part in a Woody Allen film, for a movie all its own and in order not to lose a unique holiday with the children. Rocco sar screenwriter, Director and actor for her new movie, a small business, a film which revolves around a small group of people who come together to restore a beacon.
The film tells how the protagonists instead of repairing the lighthouse, little by little they will repair their lives. In Giffoni, Woody Allen does not seem to have accused the coup and, d ’ the other hand, each free to make their own choices. Papaleo has also admitted to have a real fondness for Checco Zalone and for his music, and remember when on the set of That beautiful day, Checco sang his songs just for him. Rocco Papaleo, guest at the Giffoni film festival, sparkling renunciation of Woody Allen and part at the helm of his project.
Italy Juventus, Vargas and Vidal-Juventus
Good news for Italy's Juventus. In these last days of rumours, Juventus is completing its pink so nothing short of perfect. Last names acquired by societ, Arturo Vidal and Vargas. Vidal, sought-after in the market thanks to the excellent performance achieved during the Copa América 2011, officially a Juventus player.
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The Chilean midfielder, already in the sights of Juventus for a long time, en route to the Piedmontese capital. The deal with Bayer Leverkusen lasting a couple of weeks, during which the two companies have found the ’ mutual agreement. At Bayer Leverkusen are 10.5 million plus any bonuses. The imminent signature of the contract, for five years at Juve Vidal.
Another name that is added to the list for Santos to Manuel Vargas, outside of Florence. The player was shown as transferable by the team, but currently still not concluded no negotiations. Juventus, in fact, very interested at ’, but maybe he's waiting for the right moment to send its offer.
Other player could come from Germany, we are talking about Kjaer, a good defender who has already played in serie A, wearing the shirt of Palermo. The departures, however, we find Amauri & Felipe Melo waving Juventus.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Captain America, the first Avenger: the return of the ’ hero
The cinema in summer never very crowded because the best films are almost produced in winter, more suited to the climate. On cold winter evenings, in fact, the cinema a meeting point for young people and families. But this year comes a great ’, the film dedicated to the first hero ever, Captain America.
The film's ’ titled Captain America: the first Avenger and planning for tomorrow, July 22. Directed by Joe Johnston, already well-known for other film luminaries such as Jurassic Park 3, Jumanji and Wolfman, the film dedicated to American hero ’ is based on the false row of comic strip created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
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Already many clues left over the other Marvel movies organized about a possible return of Captain America. Most attentive lovers, in fact, they will not remember the ’ appearance, although brief, the shield used by Captain America in two Iron Man movie. Also in the Incredible Hulk c ’ ’ a little note on the great hero, when speaking of unknown serum used during World War II capable of creating the perfect super soldier. Well, all these plots led to the creation of a new myth of the moment: Captain America.
As you can infer, given the ’ last note, the film set during World War II. The young Steve Rogers wants to give aid to his country by volunteering in the ’ army, but was rejected due to his slender physical too. Steve hopes come thanks to the ’ meeting with the physician Abraham Erskine, which I will give you a special care to become a real super soldier. Needless to say that after the intervention the young Steve ’ will totally renovated. Begins the path of Captain America.
Italy Juventus ready to assault the ’ Rossi
The England pulls rotten tricks of the time, this what happened to Juventus in the summer session of transfers, the ’ purchase of Aguero seemed one step away, effectively eliminating the gradient miserably effort made to cut the difference between supply and demand with the ’ Atletico Madrid. Juventus to Stange, the bianconeri are planning close to Giuseppe Rossi, Italian striker of Villareal, within a week at most. Having now closed the ’ deal Vidal, managers can focus on what should be the ’ last effort for this session of the market, flying in Spain to meet with representatives of the club and player, willing to handle and very likely to close the deal ’.
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The base d ’ offer of 35 million euros, a sum considerably lower than the offered IP mail all ’ Atletico Madrid for Augero, for which he was about 30 million cash plus bonus for performance achieved in the League. Also in this deal, there will be bonuses this ’ should raise the overall figure of ’ operation in 32-35 million. The strategic move of Villareal is to pull on the immediate cost of the transfer, the Spaniards indeed continue to ask for 30 million euros immediately and 5 in any bonus, the bianconeri could instead get to 27 pi 5 bonus, this should represent the contact line between supply and demand, enabling the closure of negotiations with a positive outcome.
C not hurry to close ’ to the Spanish club Villareal, may in fact implement the classic game of ’ offer in extremis, i.e. bringing the negotiations until 31 August to then be able to snatch a substantial offer pi, maybe creating a ’ auction among different clubs that bring upward the price tag. This hypothesis for brings with it the negative aspects for the Spanish club for, losing a carrier like Giuseppe Rossi has become man symbol of the team, will require some time to find a suitable alternative to compensate the lack, then finally the ’ bargain not planning too long and probably the ’ outcome will be unveiled within the next week when all ’ will shortly start the campionattime, rushing for integration in the new Reds coach Antonio Conte.
Operation Children in danger, eight drug arrests
When the Sun was still high in the sky, in the early hours of the day, the men of the Commissariat of our Lady of Victories, led by Gabriele Presti, Chief Commissioner, intervened to Piazza Armenina conclusion 8: 6 of these arrests are in prison, while the other 2, women, and one of which with minor offspring must necessarily be followed before the Police Giudiriziaria.
The condemnation of the residents in the Centre of Enna to peddling drugs in competition as well as to violations of criminal convictions that were posed as preventive measures. The ’ arrest was made at the request of the Prosecutor's Office, in the person of the Deputy Prosecutor. Francesco Rio. A regime of pre-trial detention were subjected to other entities that have, for aiding and abetting or complicity in trafficking, established an active part in the crime. Including a 20-year-old boy, Alex Trano, pi times violated the precautionary measures ordered by the GIP of Enna, which imposed a curfew to guy, hacked pi times.
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The ’ survey was prepared to avoid the growing drug such as cannabis in marujana and ’ amerino was taking place in a grave. The ’ activity of intelligence has initiated investigations in February, about 6 months ago, when the activities of Alex Trano and Luigi Felice also had begun to spread into neighboring local to the area of Piazza Armerina, historic neighborhoods such as the Mount and the Castellina. To increase the suspicion of joint reports with people note Felice in racketeering and drug dealing. Everything was carried on through wiretapping and then move on to survey on the spot.During interceptions pi is sometimes noted as they feared the two involved to be heard by concealing the cos nature of the conversations themselves.
Matt Damon criticizes report by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
The love life of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie often precedes their careers: talked since always, the couple was criticized recently by Matt Damon, actor, Hollywood remembered among many films for ’ excellent performance in The Bourne Identity. Damon is not going to talk about the economic side, how to enjoy life the two VIP, by purchasing the fast lane to luxury villas, bens touched on a topic that hardly expect one pair like Pitt and Jolie: “ Live like prisons ’ ” said the actor to a German tv, which, without hairs on the tongueHe spoke of the relationship of the two friends.
“ can't go anywhere, can't move – continued Damon – and if they see them go into any place was an international incident. ” Often, in fact, even the ’ last year when Pitt was the companion to the set of her new film the paparazzi, as well as journalists, we left to go in the bustle of articles and dietrologie. “ I – I am lucky still says Matt Damon – why I took the best of both worlds: I can do my job well and at the same time I didn't get the fame required to personally entrust bodyguards when they are on the street ”. The right middle ground, in short, for the 1998 Academy Award for Will Hunting – rebel Genius.
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L ’ last entry on Pitt – Jolie concerns an upcoming wedding, which still lacks to Brangelina: the weekly Gala, in fact, it points out that now lacks very little for the two Americans. In September, in their villa in the South of France, the couple married convoler before their children. A rumor that could both become reality that be disproved, as happened recently with many other rumors about a marriage then never celebrated.
And as for the marriage of the couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt? Maybe the Hollywood couple is married in France, as they are currently renovating the castle of Miravel. The fateful is expected in September. At least so say the rumors online. In fact, the place of marriage the couple pi current glamour always a mystery. Before there was talk of ’ India, then the Seychelles and then even of New Orleans. Sar la France half chosen? We only in September, if not move date.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Aids, still problems among children and women
Children have always been among the main victims of Hiv/Aids. The virus usually is transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy or childbirth. In other cases also during breastfeeding of the newly born. The virus, disease, or existed ever since the ’ era of primates, and continues today to hit everyone ’ a good proportion of the population.
Yesterday the nth Conference on ’, the ’ International Aids Society-Ias 2011. Held in Rome, the Conference was the most notorious cases and the objectives to be reached or exceeded for hinder and prevent the emergence of this dangerous virus. Among the Nations most affected is the ’ Africa, where every day the victims of this virus to nearly thousand and what is even more serious, there are no facilities or drugs needed to treat the unfortunate families.
From these data the new objective of Unicef ’, i.e. a generation of children free from virus by 2015. Objective very ambitious but definitely of high importance for the common good and the good of mankind ’. To discuss it, is the Director of Unicef for ’ Hiv/Aids programme, Jimmy Kolker, who announces that don't need lots of money and even extraordinary scientific discoveries, but only a constant commitment and globally. More daunting number that on 23 medications available to treat the disease, only 11 can be used on children.
Another sad note, the great distance between poor countries and ’ West. As already mentioned, just slightly in poor countries where there are more victims, and made even more sad that the missing services appropriate and adequate facilities. To rectify the situation ASAP.
In the meantime been presented a new program for women affected by the virus. She is named the ’ objective of improving the quality of life for victims and try in every way possible to prevent the disease. Prevention, in fact, seen as the most astute move to fight the ’ Aids.
X Factor: the team is fully booked, confirmed even Helium
And ’ practically everything ready for the new edition of X Factor favourite Sky. The talent show, which in recent years not been much valued by Rai, ready to find new life thanks to Sky. X Factor finally has to complete the ’ the entire team, all the latest tiles have been placed and we intend not only to surprise the Viewer, but bring to large levels a talent show that has always given great singers in the invoice.
Confirmed the return to the jury by Simona Ventura and Morgan, the surprise comes from the other two judges. The singer Arisa HRH news of this fifth edition of X Factor, her sympathy regaler that something extra that lacked the transmission.
Also c ’ another judge very interesting, indeed been confirmed even helium, gi present in the last edition of X Factor. It will be very curious to find out how Helium and Morgan will “ live ”, between the two there seems to be much sympathy. The conductor will be Alessandro Cattelan, who will be the new talent?
The Dark Knight teaser trailer online Rises,
Is becoming bigger l ’ waiting for the new film dedicated to ’ Man Bat. The new film of the trilogy of Batman's ’ intitoler The Dark Knight Rises. The new film will be the last chapter of the trilogy ’ directed by Christopher Nolan. While all await the return of Batman, available here, for the most avid fans and not only that, the online teaser for The Dark Knight Rises
The trailer starts with a sentence very particular and emblematic, that immediately involves us in ’ atmosphere of Gotham City, Each hero has his way. Note that this last chapter ’ the fate of the second downhill, downhill history when Batman pretends responsible for disasters that have invaded the city. Chased by all forced to flee, but an irreparable evil forces the Commissioner Gordon to track down and rely on the return to the city of his old friend.The bad round, this time sar Tom Hardy, already seen in another film directed by Christopher Nolan, Inception of great success. Usual couldn't miss l ’ incurable Morgan Freeman and surprise of surprises, the cast will also Anne Hathaway. Its role may have already figured out: Catwoman.
The film is scheduled for the end of 2012 still under development, but the expected and the conditions are best. This final chapter will be a real icing on the cake.
A small indiscretion before closing. Warner Bros said that despite this the last chapter ’ directed by Christopher Nolan, there does not mean that it will review Batman on the big screen once again. Myths come back always.
Drink 16-liter d ’ water per day, definitely overkill
Many people drink a little water, and for this they go to many encounters problems like kidney stones, urinary infections and bladder cancers. Conversely, many other people like a lot of the ’ water up to drinking again. Aquaholic, also referred to as they can go against various diseases and infections.
Last case review to PR Joanne Jarvis, who regularly drink more than six liters of water per day, ’ a quantity definitely excessive. During an interview for the Daily Mail, the PR confesses his addiction by ’ water, and as such has become the point of obsession of various problems. Joanne claims to regularly exceed six litres d ’ water per day, but said that many times come to exceed even the 16 litres.
This habit, since small, has led to many medical visits, Joanne. Parents thought constantly to diabetes, but each time were contradicted by the doctors. It turned out, in fact, over time, that Joanne Jarvis loved to drink water in industrial quantities, for pleasure. This ’ habit, absolutely not, caused several cases of water intoxication, hyponatremia or better defined.
The rule to follow comes from ’ World Health Organization and the British Dietetic Association. The two organisations confirm l ’ assumption that drinking water is good for your health. But as all things must be done consistently and correctly. Most two liters per day to prevent possible urinary infections, bladder cancer and possible kidney stones.A good habit to be met with caution.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, divorce to jealousy?
Jennifer Lopez (photo), the sexy singer-actress sudamericana and Marc Anthony, Director of success, have officialized their separation. According to rumors seems to have been Marc to ask for divorce because of jealousy towards the ’ Cuban actor William Levy. Galeotto was the video of “ I ” ’ m into you, which has turned the sexy Jennifer alleging excessive Tuning with fellow shooting Levy. The triangle and the shooting of the single have caused a veritable uproar at casa Lopez-Anthony. J.Lo told the press that the decision of divorce was very difficult but that been reached amicably and in agreement with her husband. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony (pictured) have announced their actual separation between the reasons for breaking there seems to be also an outrageous topless singer that not went to Marc just genius. The crisis between the two came after seven years of marriage and after the birth of 2 beautiful twins Max and Emme.
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Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony (pictured) came to the divorcing, probably because of the jealousy of Marc to a topless j.Lo and for his sensuous ” video “ too ’ with the actor William Levy. Sexy Latin icon that has invaghita the beautiful Cuban artist? The voices are many but until now the only safe ’ formalization of separation. According to the trusty j.Lo stylist, Phillip Bloch, things went well for a long time because of jealousy of Marc, but Jennifer has tried in every way to save your marriage for the sake of the children. Apparently did not want a third divorce, but it seems to be failing in its purpose. The singer really high seas due to a video or maybe a topless. The sensual soubrette d ’ do not lose heart and continues to work while preparing divorce papers: in fact, was hired to perform at a wedding of his avid fan, which would have demanded one million dollars. A succulent consolation prize to mask the pain for the breakup of a marriage. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony (pictured) are no longer a couple: jealousy made checkmate all ’ love.
The Dark Knight Rises, comes the trailer
All fans of the bat will love this news. In short, so to speak, arriver on the big screen the new installment in the trilogy of Batman. The new film directed by Christopher Nolan still under development and will have to wait another year. The planned release date d ’ scheduled for 2012, but we are sure that varr worth.
Today we can finally get their hands on the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. The third installment of the series Batman begins with a phrase quite intriguing: Every hero takes a journey, every trip has a purpose.
This new chapter at the end of the trilogy segner directed by Christopher Nolan. Currently the future goals of Warner against ’ man bat are rather obfuscated. By the time you prefer to close the history of Batman in this third and epic chapter. The future of ’ man bat will probably put aside, but we think that the return of Batman we will always State, as well as with the Dark Knight.
Batman a myth that cannot finish. Data are in fact the great success achieved from comic books and video games, a myth that surrounds us at 360 degrees and who doesn't want to be put aside.
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The Dark Knight Rises resumes adventures abandoned in the final chapter. Gotham City and Batman the only culprit. Changing roles for the Dark Knight. Labelled as outlaws should initially run away, but then it will be recalled to dance by his loyal friend Jim Gordon.
Debuchy: Montolivo course, Schweinsteiger in the viewfinder!
Italy, Milan: protagonist not only Riccardo Montolivo! Adriano Galliani is trying to give away to fans on Saturday two shots of the market, capable of strengthening the squad saw the numerous commitments that they involved the team of the League, champions league, coppa italia and supercoppa italiana. And Merry ’ Maximum to give directions, not so veiled, laboured.
The ’ goal of this session of Riccardo Montolivo, footballer from good feet, currently at Fiorentina, but eager to switch allegiances and join, finally, a big club after getting a Jersey (ED) national Prandelli. Galliani is doing everything to bring the player in a 2â€"2 draw. According to some newspapers, the arrival of Montolivo ’ may be issues of days (or hours, but we believe!). The reason is clear: the player would have already been put off by the President of Fiorentina Rose Valley, after its recent statements which confirmed his willingness to leave Florence.
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But in the last hours of hectic market milanista, another voice seems to take strength and exit finally uncovered. Company Via Turati is thinking of buying the German Schweinsteiger. The player, currently with Bayern Munich, would accept the ’ offer a four-year from EUR 5 million per season. 20 million to the German company pi Flamini who would, in fact, at least 25. Conter the player's desire to leave his current club? We'll see: negotiations are well advanced and Galliani might announce the ’ purchase soon. Schweinsteiger could really be a bell ’ purchase market rossoneri nFor his experience in the Champions League and for his young et ”: “ only has 27 years!
Murder Melania Rea, latest news: Salvatore Parolisi dangerous arrest near?
Latest news: Melania Rea, Salvatore Parolisi Ascoli considered by prosecutors seeking the arrest of young ’, a dangerous man who, therefore, potentially, could kill again. The leak, condemned even by legal Parolisi, unveiled the request for arrest of Prosecutor against the husband of Melania Rea, only suspected of terrible murder.
Now the gip Carlo Calvaresi must decide whether to reject or accept the request of the Pm. Has all the time but, many are asking, should be given credit to “ and pericolosit ” of suspicion, especially after the leak, the arrest would be ’ to be executed. gi The legal defence of ’ suspect have drafted a defensive strategy aimed at supporting that Melania Rea (latest news), would be killed by a woman: under fingernails of young 32 enne of Somma Vesuviana, ’, during the autopsy, were found traces of dna in nature.
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In addition to the results of the autopsy on the corpse of ’ Melania, the gip is evaluating the findings of the inspection of Ris, the tabulated directories and various evidences considered by investigators. Seeing the request for a precautionary measure? If the husband of Melania was really dangerous and if it were really guilty, there would be the danger of escape, violence against heads of prosecution, or the possibility of contamination of evidence? Or obviously the forces of the ’ order hold under control or the accusatory Parolisi of Prosecutor is inconsistent. Where is the truth? When sar justice for the poor Melania? The family and the ’ public await answers. The hope that it is not, once again, one of the many unsolved cases at Italian ” “ ’!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, divorce: fault of topless?
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony may say farewell to their early history d ’ love. A marriage that seemed to go well it will turn the sails, according to tabloid gossip, in an unexpected divorce. Why? Rumors from the Daily Mail, seem to confirm the possibility that the relationship between Lopez and her husband also was cracked by a topless “ wild ”.
In the next film (“ What to Expect When You are Expecting ”), in fact, according to rumors, Jennifer Lopez is topless show, despite the jealousy of Marc Anthony. of course this only a guess of the Daily Mail. The couple announced the decision of divorce in the weekly People.
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“ we decided to put an end to our marriage. And ’ was a very difficult decision to take ”. With the break-up with Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez sends all ’ air “ ” her third marriage. According to the Daily Mail, however, the young singer had declined since she married Marc, his roles in film and os music clips. The “ castit ”, however, brought a decline of attention towards the pop star who would shoot, actually, only thanks to the ’ out of American Idol, a veritable smash.
However, topless, topless or not the relationship of the couple you cracked definitely not leaving space to no hope. Divorce, now, sure thing. With this step, in fact, Jennifer Lopez tenter also relaunch its been. And how? Baster a topless or an unexpected divorce? Or will need a new flame? The British bookmakers are ready to bet on this!
Earthquake jolts North: tremble Emilia, Lombardy and Veneto
Five aftershocks have struck, yesterday evening, Northern Italy. Two strong tremors pi, the other replicas of little intensity. Many, moreover, the earthquake tremors exclusively detected by instruments of ’ Institute of geophysics and volcanology. Trema the North Italy and c ’ fear among people. The memory of the tragedy d ’ Abruzzo still very strong in the minds of the Italian people. Because of the ’ seismic event was interrupted for several hours, the railway Bologna Verona, to carry out investigations on the status of structures.
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The first Jolt was recorded shortly after twenty hours (20:22 for the ’ accuracy) with magnitude 3.1 and a depth of only a mile. The earthquake was recorded by the District of ’ Institute of geophysics and volcanology (IGNV) of the pianura padana lombarda (Lombard). After a few minutes, only eight, a shock of greater intensity, the last Fort of the night, hit the district near the Po Valley. 4.7 magnitude and depth of over eight kilometres. To be hit the handkerchief of land between the city of Mantua, Modena and Rovigo.
Three aftershocks were felt by the population, despite the low intensity, during the evening of yesterday. Smaller replicas that have created tension between the local population: the 20:38, in the pianura padana, magnitude 2.8; at 21:22, in the Po Valley, Venetian 2.3 magnitude; at 23:50, district of Frignano (Modena), of magnitude 2.4, and with more than twenty kilometers depth. The seismic tremors were also felt in large cities: Genoa, Turin, Cremona, Bologna, Vicenza, Padua and Novara. No damage to things and people: only big fright and exchanges of fire taken ’ d from citizens concerned about assault.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Italy Juventus: Tevez, Bastos and Vidal Inbox?
It inflames Italy Juventus! Not only Giuseppe Rossi! The opportunity for the market are many outsider. Some much more than mere hypothesis. After the news yesterday of a possible interest in the Argentinian Carlos Tevez, ’ en route with Manchester City, arriving new rumors. Bastos and Vidal possible purchases of Italy Juventus? Follow the news and the tam tam fans in network shows such as the names prestigious close club Juventus could be happy the Juventus fans.
While Giuseppe Rossi seems, day after day, one could give certainty, Marotta fans two excellent purchasing (supplies permitting). The Brazilian-footed good Bastos, currently in force at the French club Lyon, appears to have accepted the offer of contract ’ of white society. Bring it off the player to convince the company d ’ Over the Alps to make it go away? An attractive economic proposition on the part of executives Turin could kick off at the ‘ market operation.
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Italy Juventus, Vidal away. Different, instead, the speech for Vidal. The Chilean, currently playing in Bayer Leverkusen, would go on, but not in Italy! His favorite target would be, in fact, Bayern Munich. The company prepared to let it go (and gladly), to raise cash. If the player does not, however, bring it off to take over the club German rival, Juventus would, probably, his destination IP. We'll see. And Carlos Tevez? From Brazil, yesterday, got a resounding ’ indiscretion that, to tell the truth, not credible: Juventus had offered 52 million euros to Manchester City for the ’ purchase of Tevez. An exorbitant that, probably, not in the helpfulness of the black-and-white club packs. Most likely, then, the arrival of Giuseppe Rossi ’! Weekend mission important to Marotta: bring it off in ’ company?
Debuchy Casemiro and Montolivo: Pastor preferred to Ganso?
Laboured many market talks underway to bring in Milan big absolute thickness. And ’ duel with Inter and Roma for Brazilian Casemiro, midfielder from good feet, player of São Paulo. Allegri, meanwhile, seems to point Montolivo, about to move to the clubs fans. Ganso Milan prefers to Pastor?
Italy: Milan Casemiro shields on. Despite the ’ Inter both benefit on ’ operation that could bring Brazilian midfielder in Italy, the club makes no spring grip and prepares for a ’ offer. There are at least 14 million put on the table by Moratti for the ’ operation. Signals of interest, moreover, come to the player of Fiorentina and of Riccardo Montolivo who love both the rossoneri coach. The viola has decided not to renew the contract with his current team, in fact, according to the latest rumors, he asked to be traded before the start of this season's ’. Will a player of AC Milan, maybe substitute Andrea Pirlo?
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The Milan market, between purchases and disposals, vira towards a large name overbearingly, probably the attacking midfielder Massimiliano Allegri serving. Ganso or Pastor? It would appear that the player wishes to move only in Santos in January, after playing the club World Championship with his team. And then echo that, down the ’ idea Ganso, Milan, eager for a shot by now, is reported to the ’ purchase of Pastor, Idol of Palermo. Lionel, in recent days, has confirmed the interest of a milanese ’. Galliani has denied promptly but, according to the rumors of transfer, there was a meeting between Braida and Simonian, footballer's attorney. The price requested by the President of Palermo Zamparin, however, very high. Berlusconi, after the judgment on lodo Mondadori, bring it off to give fans the Argentinian jewel?
Over between Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
Definitely over between Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. The couple separated after seven years of marriage. The news was announced by a joint statement sent to People magazine. Via press release the pair has formalized its separation, without going into details and without further possible motivations. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony does not make representations and call for respect for personal privacy for both the present and the future.
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The statement shows that the decision was very difficult and painful, but achieved in a friendly manner and joint. Continuing claims that being a very delicate moment of their lives would be happy to not see not respected their privacy.
The couple, married in June 2004 in Beverly Hills, had a beautiful history and in 2008 also twins Max and Emme. Both had strong stories behind. The Lopez with Ben Affleck and Marc Anthony fresh divorced by Dayanara Torres. the two exceeded the difficulty and happy life. Then something is broken at the sudden ’. As if to say, even the best cars lose oil.
But in c ’ ’ gi air was some rumors, such as the solitary visit Marc Anthony to BAFTA party, which already had raised quite a few gossip. First to invent stories, the two have preferred to establish the truth.
Melania Rea news, killed by a woman
Frantic race in these decisive hours to figure out who really killed Melania Rea. In the course of the investigation comes the request by the Prosecutor of Ascoli inherent to ’ her husband's arrest of Salvatore Parolisi victim. Dated Thursday requesting precautionary measure against ’ only suspect. As A result have been analysed different areas of the forest where the misdeed and tried to reconstruct the various possible situations. At the moment is not assured of nothing but all the evidence leads to the husband. Single counterflow detail the presence of female DNA under fingernails of victim Melania Rea. Detail absolutely should not be underestimated since it could mean that the killer is a woman ’ and then scagionerebbe ’ accusation by Parolisi.
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According to some rumors, the ’ assassin lashed out at the woman wounding her in several places until his death. Here is the willingness to defend the woman, which, according to the statutory Parolisi could scratch the victim. Since the ’ DNA analysis shows traces of blood under the nail female ’ of ’ ring left victim there is good chance that the killer is a woman ’.
This thesis shows that safety in Parolisi may not support it. According to the legal Kind Walter biscuits and Nicodemus, in fact, the DNA of the husband only present in the mouth, absolutely sensible hypothesis as a result of a kiss between the two. As if that weren't enough, the lawyers added that the woman was killed at different times and with different weapons, which would raise many gi made accusations against their client.
Carmelo Work, the criminologist who is following the case can not admit that the track to follow might be another, and that is really involved a woman in the whole affair. As if that weren't enough, Work argues that the ’ murder could also be considered a classic murder by barracks, as it contains all elements to be renamed as such. Continuing claims that could be likely that the victim knew some secret too precious, maybe even more precious of life itself.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
P4, Alfonso Papa suspended by CSM
Decided the fate of Alfonso Papa, magistrate in expectation and current Member of the PDL. The choice of the Superior Council of Magistracy will not accept replicas, were suspended and the functions that the salary of ’ investigated. Decision taken in the morning at the Council Chamber. The Pope was present and had to listen to his destiny with sadness.
Always better than the proposal yesterday launched by the junta for the permissions of the Chamber, which had proposed in broad terms the arrest of the Deputy ’. At that juncture, Pope was autosospeso by the Group of the PDL to avoid any retaliation.
Flying In a brief statement issued to the Messenger and the Republic, the Member States that cannot think about the terrible possibility of prison, according to him an experience absolutely unjustified and quite painful. Despite US claims that any decision will be assessed a good eye and calmly, although at the same time it considers aware of his own innocence. Continuing the ’ former Member claims to be able to face the process peacefully and proves to be very eager to cancel all charges levelled against him. Through the process, says, the truth will out.
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The ’ interview continues on the theme of friendliness towards Bisignani. Pope claims to have shared only a felt friendship Bisignani, absolutely no interest. Soon after does not lose the opportunity to defend ’ the location of the Tiziana Rod, also wife she is involved in the ’ investigation. Pope says that his wife totally extraneous to the facts and that all reports made against her are completely false and without basis. His wife and children have a strong point for the Pope, and definitely difender them to life.
Before concluding, Pope keeps us ’ to disprove the existence of P4, claiming not to know the ’ existence and not be even remotely interested. Last statement goes on two stays. Congressman confirms that he make those reservations, as it was not a permitted him to action. There remains that would return the sums agreed, the right to remove any regrets.
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