Monday, August 01, 2011

Vieri depressed? Melissa Satta ahead

In this ’ summer full of scoop is spoken primarily of Vieri-Satta. The pair broke out drew upon s l ’ attention of all media, so each day you spoke of Vieri-Satta. The two were, and still are at the Centre of the Italian gossip, paparazzi compete to discover what will their new flame. Bobo Vieri was spotted pi times with Nicole Minetti, tant ’ that already there are rumors of a new love affair. In fact that Vieri seemed more annoyed by these rumors and told of being depressed, unable to endure the constant pi fact of paparazzi that have made life really unlivable.
Viral video by ebuzzing
The depressed Vieri seems to be real, tant ’ that the ’ retired claims to be really obsessed by ’ be constantly spied. Perhaps Bobo Vieri would do better to stay a p to his cottage, avoiding going out to feasting and revels and have close encounters with characters that pi. If Nicole Minetti only a ’ friend, why then meets secretly with her? Sometimes even assumed that Bobo Vieri if goes to look for. A Vieri depressed leaves room for a cheerful and Melissa Satta rich suitors. The former velina ’, since it left with the ’ retired, has found great success in business field. Also the Satta was at the center of gossip with new alleged flirting, now even talk of Mammuccari Teo.

The famous presenter of Mediaset to have ongoing relationships with young and beautiful girls in the world of entertainment, which has drawn in his network also Melissa Satta? Meanwhile, the ’ has invited on his boat in Sardinia to spend few days in total relax, then something not chiss all its weapons from conqueror to capture the beautiful Satta. The former velina ’ still seems to think his Vieri depressed, tant ’ who stated that the wait for the wedding. Melissa to forget really bring it off the ’ retired?

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