Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Melania Rea: yellow is not yet resolved

The ’ murder of Melania Rea seems still a culprit. For now in prison, with the ’ charges of murder, the young woman's husband, Salvatore Parolisi. The Corporal Major was arrested thanks to Judge Cyril validation. The same Court in an interview to the weekly Vanity Fair he expressed cos: Parolisi was at Civitella on offense when, but it could also just have accompanied his wife by the killers () nobody saw him kill his wife Melania Rea.

Cyril explains that the lies told by ’ indicted Salvatore Parolisi and continuous screening made his eyes guilty at 90%, so it was decided to arrest ’.But the ’ former Gip is also expressed about the motive: the crime not passionate. According to Cyril the motive be sought between the secrets of Barracks Clementi. Melania Rea would be killed because he knew secrets inconffessabili.

The concern about the barracks Clementi took also a Savior Parolisi wiretap would support (text): the barracks there did a nice figure and still wasn't the only one to behave badly ’. The secrets of the Barracks could really be very important.

Meanwhile Parolisi writes from prison all ’ lover Ludovica. His love for la soldatessa unchanged and corporal major hopes to see her again soon. The letter was intercepted and seized for investigation.

Their defenders of Salvatore Parolisi, Valter Biscuits and Nicodemus, insisting reporting the ’ attention of the judges on the trail of DNA found under the fingernails of young victim. The tracks are attributed to a woman and a man, other than Salvatore Parolisi. According to Cyril, Melania Rea had to have been obtained, thanks to a simple handshake.

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