Monday, August 29, 2011

Sarah Palin News: Sabrina Misseri, Michele and Cosima to process

Murder Ryder, latest news: the process with the ’ preliminary hearing, all the defendants in the courtroom. Sabrina Misseri, Cosima Serrano, Michele Misseri and the mother of Sarah Palin: everyone in this House, under the same roof for the first time. For over a year since the death of 15-year-old of Avetrana, today ’ preliminary hearing begins. Finally, after much controversy and twists, to justice for the murder of a young ’.

The latest news on crime of Miners do not distort the convictions of public prosecutions. Anything served ’ l Michael's last letter to his wife Cosima Misseri and daughter Sabrina, missive in which Sarah's uncle continues to proclaim himself guilty of the murder of fifteen-year-old ’. Investigators are convinced that the process today can demonstrate their prosecution.

Sabrina Misseri and Cosima Serrano have killed Sarah. For them the ’, accused of complicity in murder, kidnapping and suppression of corpse. L ’ accusation for Uncle Michael, however, only removal of the corpse: Misseri threw the body of his nephew into the well through the help of his brother ’, also ’ it here today, for the ’ preliminary hearing.

This morning, to Taranto, with the ’ boot process, it assisted a crowds of onlookers to the Court of first instance of Taranto. A crowd of reporters, photographers and curious. A kind of looting. Sarah's mother, according to the latest news, it would have just entered the Court of Taranto to participate in the process. Want to look into the eyes of his daughter's killers, said Elizabeth Serrano. Sabrina Misseri you difender sword, Cosima to the same. But now late for games and defensive strategies: dir finally end this terrible affair. You have finally justice for Sarah?

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