Monday, August 22, 2011

Tommasi: field only if you sign the contract

Damiano Tommasi reiterates once again that, without signature, it will play the first League.There what emerged from a meeting of more than two hours, held in Milan, between the representatives of the players of 20 teams of serie A and the Italian Footballers Association summits, Damiano Tommasi and Demetrio Albertini.

Now toccher to decide whether or not to sign the contract whose terms have been already discussed and approved by months, or be slipping linizio League, with all the problems that may arise.Yes, skip the first, it means having to retrieve it later and, with the many international commitments of various teams of A, would become a problem managing the recovery without upsetting anyone.

Our position is clear, says Tommasi, and we reiterate for lennesima time. The move by saying, now, for several weeks that unsigned wouldn't took to the field for the first, but obviously we must always be reduced to last time, although in fact the timelines for the solution of the problem we have, since Wednesday in a Federal Council program.

The question alleventuale contribution of solidarity, Tommasi clarifies that footballers have never expressed perplessit about and who are ready to pay regular taxes, as, moreover, have always done. And been raised a fuss instrumental by the League, precise Tommasi, on this topic, but in fact no player will ever dream of saying that would not pay the contribution. All players have always paid taxes in the manner and time dallattuale rules.

Meanwhile the President of the football, Fir, illustrer at a press conference the text s 7, what about players out pink, rock on which stalled the various and many meetings that have already had to carry the signature of the contract.

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