Sunday, January 01, 2012

Tired of his wife, a bank robbery and arrest!

The man was not to bear the wife pi and saw that she did not want to in any way separate decided to commit a crime to get rid of the woman for a while.

A story is nothing short of ridiculous, “ ” ’ would tell Barbara d Urso, the protagonist's quest ’ man who tired of his wife, decided to commit a crime in order to go to jail and RID cos her for a while ’.

Real estate “ ” Associated Press reports from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a man who was robbing a bank to dispose of his wife. Mr. Anthony Miller, 39 years old, he did deliver the money from the cashier with the threat of a compressed air gun, but then asked the Institute employees to call the police intervening pi times to ask why we put so much agents to arrive.

Miller then reported to have attempted to leave his unbearable Madam, cos decided to jail to find some peace. Haunted Me “ ” told the ’ “ man did not pi, c every day ’ was something that was wrong and I can't stand how thissituation that had this IP created ”. Apparently, the wife of ’ man seems not understood (or would pretend not to understand) what was going on between the two saw that whenever her husband began to talk about divrzio the woman, became hysterical “ ” and began to blackmail the ’ man, saying that it would be suicide.L ’ man was sentenced to a penalty from three to six years. However, while awaiting trial, the couple decided to divorce., cos at least when get from prison sar pi quiet!

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