Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rome: Girl Dies 3 months for a regurgitation

It was Martina, the small 3 months who died this morning after eating, to a regurgitation. The Rome Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation to clarify the responsibilities of staff of the asylum, where he died a little.

one of those stories that you would never tell because he sees as the protagonists small be defenceless, angels that rise to heaven too soon. The sad story happened in a kindergarten of Rome, in via Cesare Giulio Viola, on the outskirts of the capital and sees a child as a victim of just 3 months.
The small, few days was written at the ’ nursery, had recently eaten and the staff of asylum ’ ’ then put the sleep. But the girl, becomes immediately cianotica and breathe IP. At this point called the 118 staff but for the small c not ’ pi nothing doing.

The coroner, in a first inspection, found in milk, respiratory then the cause of death would be a blast. Now it's up to the public prosecutor of Rome, which has already opened a case file dealing with the case and make clarity on this matter; The pm has already placed Passaniti Francesca l ’ autopsy.

The small called Martina and her mother closed her pain said only: “ just hope my Angel sleep ”

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