Friday, January 06, 2012

Carlo Verdone separated fathers argues in his new comedy

Carlo Verdone separated fathers argues in his new comedy. Get the 24 February the new film by Carl oVerdone, standing in paradise, here the Roman actor tackles an issue complicated like that of the tragic situation in which many find themselves divorced fathers.
Will return on our big screens on February 24, but the new comedy by Carlo Verdone, standing in paradise, is already talking of s for a subject as topical. The Director and actor Roman wanted to talk about an issue which in a sense also expresses the crisis that our country is living in this last period. It speaks to the pi of the situation, almost tragic that many fathers divorced must face in order to survive. And especially the ’ to arrive at the end of the month most popular phrase in this movie and that perfectly reflects what is happening in Italy.

Not only short highlights the theme of divorce, but you want to understand how the law very often is not very correct in respect of the fathers, forced to make a life of hardship after divorce in order to maintain the same family. Carlo Verdone we held to clarify that not a film against their mainly women, do not have a predominant role in this affair. And ’ clear that there are many wives wounds, betrayed by her husband, for example that for revenge Dantley literally living on the street. The Director and actor Roman standing in Paradise highlights family always pi status found that forced many fathers to make gestures really desperate to get to the somme, sometimes really too exaggerated, you need to pay the alimony of ’ ex-wife and son.

In this issue, you can certainly consider tragic, Green has tried to insert his comic verve, ironically a situation that many real and in fact c ’ little to laugh. A theme than is required in order to reflect the Italians on certain life events that can be definitely not correct. In the cast we find, besides Verdone, Pierfrancesco Favino, Micaela Ramazzotti and Marco Giallini. Obviously everything revolves on these three divorced husbands grappling with former wives who are true leeches.
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