Thursday, December 22, 2011

Telematics: finance scam locks the pc and you have to pay 100 euros. And ’ all fake! Here's what to do.

Actually behind this fake site of Guardia di Finanza there are Russian hackers.

And ’ from a couple of days that a number of “ Internet ” you are caring for a sgnalazione that comes on their pc by the Guardia di Finanza. Practically in the middle of the search on the Internet appears this inscription which blocks all operating system: “ GUARDIA DI FINANZA ”: attention was fixed following a violation: from your IP address: **** **** was an access to web pages containing pornography, child pornography, zoophilia and violence of children.On your computer have been found video-files containing pornography, violence and elements of pornography. ”

The ’ warning then goes on to say: ” By mail was carried out the distribution of spam with a sense of terrorist statements. Locking the computer used to truncate the ’ illegal activity on your side. To remove the lock you have to pay a fine of 100 euro. You have the following two variants of payment: 1) to p. using the ukash; 2 ’) if the system segnaler an error, then you should send the number to the e-mail Store @ cyber-gdf-net;
Well if you find yourself faced with a message of this type, know that this is a scam, and that in fact behind the false name of Guardia di Finanza is cala a fake site of Guardia di Finanza (hxxp:// that located in Russia and of course has nothing to do with the Guardia di finanza, that between the ’ moreObviously not collecting fines online.

To ensure that EPS people are aware of this scam implementation for spilorciare money, those who read this article, would be requested to make by “ ” spokesman on social networks of the news.

In case you should find in this situation, to return your pc to normal, you must first turn off and then riavvire the pc. After you start to press F8 continuously untill there while a black screen with several options. Move with darts and select: “ start the pc in safe mode with network ”. In case the network functions and you can go to internet upload combofix updated here. If the network does not work you need to arrange combofix from another pc saving it on a pendrive that then copy on infected pc's desktop.At this point you just launch the executable ’ and wait.Deletes the following files: c: \programdata\NOTEPAD.EXE-X.TXTc: \ programdata\RUNDLL32.EXE-X.TXTRiavviate your pc and everything will be working as before.

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