Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Men and women, The Step advances: new tronista!

Sar Alexios The step to take place on the throne of both men and women. The former choice of Giulia Montanarini affiancher Giorgia.

News in sight for the transmission of Maria de Filippi, men and women, despite the ’ absence on tv for via del ponte d ’ last minute, were recorded two new episodes. After the ’ exit scene Chiara Sammartino who abandoned the throne by choosing in advance his/her suitor Gabrio, sarAlessio The Step, lex suitor, and “ ” diGiulia Montanariniad affiancareGiorgianel choice his throne, also ’ it next to the choice, given the small number of suitors who still has at its disposal. Denied all the voices of women in these weeks have been adAlessandra CaliandroeTeresa daBarbara Barbieri, Langella.

AdAlessio, 28 diLaSpeziamolto tied to his family, the task of handling a throne that until today failed to conquer the public. The step that in recent interviews he said he was tired of women who use lands Amen and Donneper find true love.On whether says: people misjudged me due to my spent men to Women, he told me that I am a Playboy but in fact are a perfectly normal guy, not Center anything with this world.Deipettegolezzie I got bored of being teased by women, now I want to love.His goal to find a woman that you love him for that, simple, genuine and not be afraid damare.We'll see if this time Alessioin dresses tronista avr pi fortune by suitor, managing to find cos the woman of his life!
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