Mirko suddenly abandons the House of big brother. But what really happened?
From the House of big brother Gets a shocking news: tonight the contestant Mirko D ’ Harp decided to abandon the House of big brother. But back back and try to understand why such a sudden change of course by those who have always said to be good all ’ inside the House, apart from some initial indecision.
Alessia Marcuzzi, yesterday evening during the live show of big brother, a letter to Mirko. A mysterious letter from equally mysterious content that is secretly preserved by Mirko who doesn't want to reveal the contents of the letter. Alessia says to respect his decision, but takes the word Alfonso Signorini, who without concern about, says bluntly that Mirko brought the letter to the authors, only to incuriosirli and make sure as well to attract their attention; A kind of trick to get into the House.
Mirko reacts harshly to the words of Signorini and reiterates that they do not want to reveal the contents of the letter, which carries s inside the House. Seemed finished l instead suddenly big brother has issued a press release this morning where he claimed the sudden exit from ’ House of Mirko. Here are the contents of the press release: “ tonight at 01.35 Mirko decided to voluntarily leave the House by big brother for personal reasons. The contestant decided not to waste any time and closed definitively behind the red door's ”.
But what's behind the sudden choice of Mirko to leave the House? Why would suddenly changed his mind. C ’ maybe behind all this, the choice of not having wanted to read the letter, or the fear of having to read sooner or later?
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