Tuesday 29 November entrer into force the new self-regulatory code of parliamentary photographers. Ask politicians and get the privacy room.
Enough with the stolen photos of MPs who sleep or heading, just photos on “ pizzini ” to the Chamber, serving as the message of Enrico Letta to Mario Monti ” ” are at your disposal and just with pictures on the cards of Berlusconi where “ writes ”, Traitors Tuesday 29 November, the photographers will become parliamentary photographers.
Eh it seems that our members are tired of their privacy violated and so they decide to put brake to photos stolen. Photographers who want to participate in the work of Parliament, must be enrolled in a specific Association ’, as well as expected for gi and will have a badge with lots of photos. But not only.Photographers in question in fact must adhere to a code of self-regulation and read a p what says a part of this code: “, the undersigned agrees not to use photo recovery tools or Visual, to seize the acts or behaviors of members and Government members present in plenary of the Chamber that ’, cá ’ information essential for the conduct of parliamentary businessresolved, in a treatment of personal data is not allowed.The undersigned – continues the text – is committed, in any case, not to disseminate and to not store images of such acts or behaviors possibly educated. ” a sort of “ and its ” nice censorship that was imposed on photographers.
And for those who don't follow the rules? Click Delete from the list of parliamentary ’ photographers and the withdrawal of its licence will be prepared. The new rules apply to tv cameramen. Then it will not show pictures or filming pi, alien to parliamentary work and in case, a photographer should take to accidentally “ photo ” you find inappropriate, then forced to destroy it.
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