Sunday, February 12, 2012

Men and women: Cristian Galella chose Tara

Chose Cristian Galella and exits by men and women with Tara. But who will be the next tronista?

Oh yes finally Cristian Galella decided to choose even though in a different way compared to the classic choices of men and women.
Sar was the distance or the strong doubts about Francesca, ’ other suitors, but Cristian ’ during the last recording of Trono Blu decided to leave the studio not alone but accompanied by Tara Gabrieletto. Galeotto a dance and soon after Cristian turns to Tara and says: “ I do not trust but you choose ”.

Tara, as many hoped, he said; Of course after all that he had to go to conquer hearts and minds of tronista, couldn't say otherwise. Let's say that Cristian Galella has for the whole time of his throne, attacked the suitors, morally continuandole to say that was false, only for the cameras, … ect ect So things between the two have not always gone allright but as they say … whoever takes the win and eventually won her.

But finished a throne he begins another. You begin to make the first bet on who should leave the throne Blue: ’ part of Giuseppe Turr and Gabrio Range. But you who you prefer between the two?

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