Fans of the eccentric pop singer also mimic their eating habits. According to reports the British newspaper "The Mirror" from Lady Gaga revealed that his diet consists of fruit purees and baby food, these food sales have increased by up to 100%.
The unique diet was prepared by Madonna's personal trainer, Tracy Anderson. It has also been followed by Hollywood stars like Jennifer Aniston and Cheryl Cole.
However, nutritionists say it is a regime that is not healthy for adults.
It is not recommended
This diet is to have a main meal in the day supplemented with 14 pots of 4-ounce baby food, so as to curb hunger and control appetite.
"Anderson said that he devised to cleanse the body, but that celebrities have joined the idea, saying it is a way to feel full, but without gaining weight, "says the article.
According to the nutritionist Juliette Kellow, this is a diet that should be avoided because, as its name suggests, the baby food is designed for infants.
"Change one or all of your meals of porridge day you will be missing some nutrients, including protein and fiber, which are important to satisfy. You may end up suffering from constipation, even if most of the foods are fruit and vegetables. In addition, you are not consuming enough vitamins and minerals, especially calcium for bones and iron for blood, "report