Saturday, February 11, 2012

Men and women: Francesco Pugliese Teresanna Monte slows down with

Men and women: Francesco Pugliese Teresanna Monte slows down with. The beautiful tronista of men and women don't want to rush things with the newly arrived Teresanna. Francesco took a cold attitude towards the suitors napoletana, plans to evaluate the real interest of the girl.
For all those who were expecting a Francesco Monte rather softened towards Teresanna Pugliese, must think again. The tronista of men and women, in the first with the napoeltana, ’ ex tronista is shown quite cold. Francesco Monte wants assurances from the girl, so worried that somehow will meet again in a situation of suffering. The return of Teresanna Pugliese for men and women not been greeted with joy by various makers of transmit and also of course by Francesco corteggiatrici.

The neo suitors was indictment by everyone taking constantly false. In this situation the tronista tarantino tried to keep a distance from his Teresanna. A way to test the real feelings of the girl. A coldness, Francesco, quite normal, but you have to understand pi what else whether it is spontaneous.

The tronista of men and women was strongly affected by the return of Teresanna, but by rational ’, boy what he preferred to try to metabolize the situation without taking hasty decisions. ’ and Teresanna do not clearly obvious choice of beautiful Francis, c ’ a strong bond of tronista also Emiliana, suitors who in recent episodes have earned points on points. In short, will have to fight the Pugliese with all his strength to regain Francis Mount.
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