Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Income online Ministers: Government website on tilt

Operation transparency failed. Online revenues of Government Ministers.

Never before has the Government been d ’ assault by millions of users curious to know how much they earn our Ministers. In the new virt maneuvers involving transparency, are now available on line the incomes of Ministers. Immediately sparked chaos completely haywire, sending the Government website for a few minutes.

Curious to know who the Minister most rich? Mark a woman, Paola Severino current Justice Minister, for a total of 7 million euros only in 2010. not bad right? Among the Ministers mark Corrado Passera with a total of 3.5 million euro, income declared in 2011. However, for those who want to delve just connect to institutional sites of each Minister.
Paola Severino-Minister-Deputy Minister GiustiziaMichel Martone LavoroElsa Fornero-Minister of labour and Social Affairs with responsibility for Equal OpportunitCorrado Passera-Development Minister economicoGiampaolo Di Paola-Minister of DifesaRenato Balduzzi-Minister of SaluteAnnamaria Registrars-Minister of ’ Third InternoGiulio of Sant Agata – ’ EsteriPietro Minister of Minister of – Giarda relations with parlamentoFrancesco-Minister of ’ Nose IstruzioneMario Catania-Minister of agricoleFilippo Patroni Griffi-Minister of public amministrazioneMario Ciaccia-Minister of infrastruttureAndrea Riccardi-Minister of cooperation and integrazioneCorrado – Minister of ’ Retail environment

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