Thursday, January 19, 2012

Roberto Benigni: Degree in Cosenza but the Hyenas-Video

Roberto Benigni received her 8th honorary. But mark the Hyena Angelo hard.

Roberto Benigni received her 8th honorary. This time to honour the bravery and professionalism of ’ actor and comedian fiorentino was l or l ’ ’ Unical University of Calabria in Cosenza, which awarded Benigni, honoris causa in modern Philology.

A ’ really unique and unrepeatable opportunity to Cosenza to which have not been able to attend, as were all available seats in the Auditorium Theater solo550 dellateneo, where he performed the ceremony. C ’ to add also that students stayed out, and were almost 30 thousand, have strongly protested against the Rector John Latorre not allowed them to watch live the lectio magistralis by Benigni and beyond: a group of students protested strongly the ’ event, considering it just an advertisement.

But if young students not been allowed to enter the ’ Auditorium, a green dress and aberrational c ’ failed. It is the Hyena Angelo hard, the singer without public, who raided onstage, staged Only ” I vo ” to the city and attempting to kiss in the mouth the ’ actor fiorentino.
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