Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Elisabetta Canalis: Single and happy

Elisabetta Canalis back single but it says happy of his choice.

You know who decided to return single? Our Elisabetta Canalis. Oh yes the ’ former velina decided to leave his fidanzatoMechad Brooks.

The first rumors of the rupture were reported by Alfonso Signorini on Chi ” si “ weekly was just dealt with this story, stating that the story between the Canalis and boyfriend actor/model had come to an end; After several denials was the direct interested to confirm the news.
Elisabetta Canalis in fact through Twitter gave news of his emotional state to ’ friend Barolo, posting these words: I “ to Los Angeles without Love! Like always ahhahahhahh! But you're well so incidentally ”.’ year begins from single the Canalis but not the thing weighs about nothing indeed: “ do not have children, I have no husband/boyfriend … amo feel free and I assume the consequences of my choices ”.

It was a lucky year for Elisabetta Canalis; After breaking with George Clooney, the showgirl closed the 2011 breaking even conMechad Brooks. Find true love the Canalis in 2012? Or maybe you dedicher to itself this year ’?Never say never ...

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